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All Compliments Are Tests

Nov. 14, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner outside of China

(Minghui.org) Master taught us:

“For a cultivator, all the frustrations he comes across among everyday people are trials, and all the compliments he receives are tests.” (“A Cultivator is Naturally Part of It,” Essentials for Further Advancement)  

There can be different scenarios when receiving and giving compliments. One is that they might come from our family, friends or people we have regular interactions with in society. They see us doing good things and praise us. In that circumstance, I feel it’s crucial to remember that we become better people because of practicing Dafa and our good deeds are testimonials to Dafa’s magnificence. When people praise us, we shouldn’t become complacent, but always remember that everything is the result of practicing Dafa. We should avoid the thought that we are great and don’t fall for the pleasing words that could create demonic thoughts from our own minds.

Another common pitfall is when we see fellow practitioners doing well in sending righteous thoughts or persuading people to quit the Chinese Communist Party, and we might have an impulse to praise them with a compliment. Be aware that we and the other party should remember that what we achieve are the manifestation of Dafa’s mighty power. We as individual people don’t really have the power to achieve anything without the supporting power from Master and Dafa. If we idolize other practitioners for any special abilities they have, it may result in them becoming arrogant. 

It’s important to stay unmoved when we receive compliments and also be careful with our flattery of other practitioners. We should keep in mind that all glory belongs to our great Master and Falun Dafa.

Editor's note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)