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Malaysia Fahui | Master Always Protects Me

Feb. 18, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Malaysia

(Minghui.org) Greetings, respected Master! Greetings, practitioners!

I am from Johor Bahru. After the persecution began in 1999, I saw Master in a TV interview. Master was covered with golden rays when he held one palm erect. I thought to myself: This is Buddha!

The next time I went to a bookshop, two books caught my attention - Zhuan Falun and The Great Way of Spiritual Perfection. I bought them. I was amazed to read that a human being can cultivate into a god and that ‘de’ (virtue) is a transformable substance. I wondered how could ‘de’ be transformed? Soon, Master showed me.

I scolded my daughter for some mistakes she made one day. At that moment, I saw light above her head. It covered her whole body when I continued to scold her. Shocked, I immediately stopped. I finally understood this is how ‘de’ is transformed. I was actually giving my daughter my virtue. I was grateful to Master for teaching me how to cultivate. Since then, instead of scolding my children, I offer advice.

Understanding What Genuine Cultivation Is

I read Zhuan Falun whenever I had free time. I also practiced the exercises in accordance with Master’s instructions in the book. Ten days later, the growth on my palm disappeared and my eyesight improved. My neighbor asked if I felt tired since I seemed to work around the clock. I said no. Instead I felt energized after I did the exercises. I also felt the Falun turning inside my body. Despite the positive physical changes, I did not fully understand what it meant to truly cultivate.

In 2011, I went to Sabah. I fell sick and I could not lift one of my hands. I could neither eat nor sleep well. Feeling distressed, I finally decided to join a monastery. I asked my 15-year-old daughter for her opinion. She said she was fine with it.

So, I went to the Buddhist Association. However, I stopped at the entrance because my feet felt heavy. Each time I went, no one was there. No one answered my phone calls either. I wondered why. Later I came to realize that it was Master’s hint.

One week later, my daughter regretted what she said. She was worried that no one would take care of her if I joined a monastery. When I later browsed through some books I had read before, I happened to come across Zhuan Falun. This time I enlightened that Falun Dafa is truly cultivation. Why didn’t I realize it before? Since then, I have been determined to practice Falun Dafa.

Later, I brought two friends and we attended the nine-day Falun Dafa classes. Halfway through the lecture, I suddenly saw Master walk out of the television. Master’s spiritual bodies continuously emerged from the TV, until they filled the room. I was amazed. I was very diligent during that period of time. I did the exercises day and night. I totally forgot about my illness. One day I realized it was gone.

We went back to Penang after my husband’s business failed. One year later, we moved to Johor Bahru. I started to slack off in my cultivation. My xinxing dropped, I acted like an ordinary person and my health problems returned.

One day, I felt great pain in my heart. I started tossing and turning on the floor. I asked for help from Master and the pain immediately subsided. Not long after, the pain came back. I continued to ask Master for help, but stopped after the third attempt. I came to understand that I should pay off my own karma. That thought instantly eased the pain.

The chest pain came back the next afternoon. I quickly did the exercises and it went away. My husband noticed the positive changes and asked what made the difference. I told him that it was because of the exercises. He was amazed. Since then, he has not interfered with my cultivation. The chest pain returned after I ate but subsided if I did the exercises.

Later, I learned about sending righteous thoughts. I sent righteous thoughts every time the pain jolted me awake. It brought instant relief. I happened to read an article on the Minghui website. The practitioner mentioned how he eliminated the evil from head to toe while sending forth righteous thoughts. I did the same. Two days later, the sickness karma disappeared and the pain was gone for good.

However, one night when I thought about the chest pain, it returned. I quickly sent righteous thoughts. The pain left. It was actually an illusion. I discovered that karma can sometimes play tricks on us.

Raising Awareness

I later opened a tailor shop, and I clarified the truth to every customer for six years. This neighborhood had poor security and the residents’ motorcycles were frequently stolen. When I first moved to this area, the grocer next door said, “Your shop is open until 8 p.m. Aren’t you worried about getting robbed?” She said that she was robbed five times. I told her that I was not afraid, as I tell people about Falun Dafa every day and always strive to be a good person.

A short-tempered lady lived above my shop. She liked scolding people, and the neighbors always came to me and complained about her. I advised them not to quarrel with her. After some time, she stopped scolding them.

One day a father and his daughter came to my shop. I noticed that there was a glazed look in his daughter’s eyes. The father explained that his daughter had been in such a state since the passing of his son-in-law. I told his daughter, “I will give you a Dafa book. You will be better after reading it.” She agreed.

A month later, the father came back. He happily said me that his daughter recovered and managed to get a job. Then, he bowed to me. I told him that he should thank Master.

Actually he was a recovering alcoholic. He would make a scene after getting drunk every night. When he came to my shop the next morning, I told him, “It is not good for you to get drunk every day.” I clarified the truth to him every day, telling him that good deeds are rewarded. Finally, my advice sank in. He managed to kick his drinking habit.

I told a man about Falun Dafa. After telling him the benefits of doing the exercises, he asked me to show him how to do them. A lady picked up some money on the ground and handed it to me. I refused to accept it and explained it was not mine. She put the money back where she found it.

Master Protects Me on My Cultivation Path

I was away from home for three days. When I came home, I was shocked to see my back door was wide open. Fortunately, nothing was stolen. It was miraculous!

One morning, after practicing the exercises, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I found myself lying on the ground. I was unhurt. I knew that Master protected me!

Another time I accidentally cut my finger while preparing dinner, but I was not hurt. I could feel something shielding my finger at that moment. Once again it was Master’s protection. I was deeply grateful.

Due to the pandemic lockdown, my husband closed his business and sold the house. We moved back to our home state – Perak. I distributed truth-clarifying materials at the market in Teluk Intan. I told everyone that they would be safe if they sincerely said the two phrases "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compasssion-Forbearance is good." Many people started to take the materials.

My husband was unhappy when he learned that I was distributing truth-clarifying materials every day. He even complained to my younger sister, my daughter, and my aunt. They advised me to stay home since the virus was everywhere. So, I decided to stay home. One day, while scrolling through the phone, I learned that 50 factory workers were quarantined. I called the factory operator and suggested asking the workers to say the two phrases.

Two years later, I went back to Johor Bahru and stayed with my daughter. I often failed my xinxing tests. After I began reading Minghui articles, I was determined to pass them.

One day, I was listening to Minghui Radio while doing some work. My daughter suddenly turned off the radio and started scolding me angrily. I remained silent. I went back to my room and sent forth righteous thoughts. A few minutes later, my daughter smilingly walked into the room. It was as if nothing happened. I was glad that I had passed the test.

My daughter and my son-in-law were both infected with the virus. They asked me to go to Kuala Lumpur since they were afraid that I might get infected. I told them that I would be fine as I am a Dafa practitioner. I told them I would stay and take care of them.

My youngest daughter, who lives in Kuala Lumpur, fell sick. She came to Johor Bahru. She always lost her temper due to a bad mood. I never argued with her. One day, she asked me why I never got angry with her. I said, “You are in a bad mood. I just want to help you feel better.” She broke down and hugged me. Her mood slowly improved. Then, she left for Kuala Lumpur.

The next day I started to run a high fever and cough. I tried sending forth righteous thoughts but it didn’t help. I thought that I might be paying off karma for my daughter. The coughing finally stopped, but I could hardly move one of my legs. Just then a practitioner called and asked if I would like to join the Nationwide Group Fa Study Camp. I agreed without a second thought. I knew that the old forces were exploiting gaps and I must not let them take advantage of me. I quickly practiced the exercises in my room. In just one day, my leg was back to normal.

I am thankful for Master’s protection on my path of cultivation. I will continue to cultivate diligently. I will walk well the path to the future and be worthy of Master’s compassionate salvation.

Thank you, Master. Thank you, fellow practitioners!

(Presented at the 2022 Malaysia Fa Conference)