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Malaysia Fahui | I Am So Fortunate to Practice Falun Dafa in My Old Age

Feb. 18, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Malaysia

(Minghui.org) Greetings, Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners!

I’m 68 years old now, and live in Johor Bahru. I began practicing Falun Dafa when I lived in Kuala Lumpur.

In April 2015, I had a thought to learn Falun Dafa. At that time my wife and I had been practicing another cultivation way for 28 years. But after careful consideration, we decided to search for Falun Dafa online. I found the videos of Master’s lectures on social media.

When I listened to the first lecture, it was hard for me to understand Master’s accent. I decided to read Zhuan Falun in the morning and watch Master’s videos at night, so that I could understand Master’s lectures. Around midnight on the day I finished listening to the third lecture, I felt something rotating in my lower abdomen, and I thought that Master had installed a Falun in me. After listening to all nine lectures, I began to watch the video of Master teaching the exercises on the Internet and I learned the five exercises.

I later attended a Falun Dafa nine-day class held by a practitioner at his home, and he corrected my exercise movements. From then on, I began practicing the five exercises every afternoon. I could only sit in the half-lotus position when I meditated. With the other practitioners’ encouragement, I endured the pain, and gradually extended the time that I sat in the full lotus position. One year later, I was finally able to sit in the full-lotus position.

I didn’t know what it meant to send righteous thoughts until I attended group Fa study for the first time. I had been practicing for three months. As we read, I felt we were surrounded by a strong energy field. I repeatedly read Master’s teachings given around the world. I gained new understandings each time and felt that I was making rapid progress.

After I began practicing, I eliminated many bad habits, such as smoking, drinking, buying lottery tickets and speculating in stocks. When someone hit my car, I didn’t ask for compensation; but if I hit someone’s car, I would definitely pay for it.

Master Protects Me

By December 2015, I had been practicing for six months. I was worried and didn’t want to have a conflict with her, but I told my wife that I stopped practicing that cultivation way. I was surprised when she just warned me that I must practice only one cultivation way. What she said was music to my ears. Thus, from January 1, 2016, I began practicing Falun Dafa wholeheartedly.

At the end of November 2018, I began having symptoms of a cold. I had no appetite and had trouble breathing. I lost 20kg (44 lbs.). One night at 3:00 a.m., I felt my breathing become increasingly difficult. I asked Master to save me. I read “On Dafa.” After I finished reading, my breathing gradually improved. I was very grateful to Master for saving me.

At the end of 2020, I experienced another tribulation, during which I could not eat or drink. My throat ached, I felt very hot and weak. I could not practice the exercises for an entire month and could only listen to Master’s lectures. My children were afraid and they wanted me to take intravenous injections. The tribulation made my life worse than death. I understood that I was eliminating karma and I gave up all my attachments. I knew I wouldn’t have survived without Master’s protection, and I am grateful to Master. I’d like to thank the other practitioners for their encouragement and for keeping in touch with me. They told me to study Fa more, look inward, and upgrade my xinxing. I gradually recovered.

In early 2021, the pandemic was so serious that everyone in my family, except me, was vaccinated. My kids were afraid that if I didn’t get vaccinated, I would get infected and infect my little grandson. They worried that my not being vaccinated would affect me and the whole family. Master tells us to cultivate while conforming to ordinary human society. So I had to promise them I would get vaccinated in order not to have them misunderstand Falun Dafa or worry about me. After the vaccination, everyone in my family, except me, had a fever and was in pain.

I experienced a life-and-death test in April 2022. One day, suddenly I felt very cold. Then I began throwing up and having loose bowels. I passed out. When I woke up in the hospital emergency room, I thought I would be fine and asked Master to bless me. Then I repeatedly said, “Falun Dafa is good. Zhen Shan Ren [Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance] is good.” Later, the doctor told me that my blood pressure was up to 80/60, but when I arrived at the hospital, it was 60/40.

This tribulation was so fierce that it seemed like my life was about to end. But my wife said that while she helped me walk from the kitchen to the bathroom, she just held my hand and I walked the whole way by myself. But how could I walk when I was unconscious? I knew that Master was helping me. I sincerely thank Master.

In the ICU, my blood pressure gradually returned to normal. When the CT scan results came out, everything was normal and the doctor discharged me from the hospital. In fact he could not find why I became ill.

After this life-and-death test, I gave up a lot of attachments and realized that I had to do the three things well. I knew that Master extended my life beyond my predestined time to live. I was alive so that I could continue to practice. I couldn’t take this for granted any more.

Joining Group Study and Identifying My Shortcomings

After the three-day-and-two-night national group Fa study in October 2022, I could feel the changes and improvement in myself. Before, at several group Fa studies, I was unable to concentrate, and I always became sleepy. This time, I got up at 4:00 a.m. to meditate and then began to do the exercises and study the Fa. Surprisingly, I did not feel tired until 10:30 p.m. The powerful energy field purified my body. The energy while sending forth righteous thoughts with the other practitioners was very strong. The group Fa study also helped me to upgrade my xinxing and discover many shortcomings in my cultivation.

Experiencing Tolerance

The most difficult thing for me after I began cultivating is becoming tolerant. Whenever my little grandson misbehaved, I lost my temper and punished him. When I looked inward for my shortcomings afterwards, I always felt very remorseful.

One night, while I was reading the Fa, my little grandson suddenly hit my head with the TV remote control. He laughed when I jumped up and held my head in pain. I remembered that Master said,

“But as we have taught, a practitioner should refrain from fighting back and always hold himself to high standards.” (The Fourth Talk, Zhuan Falun)

Thus, this time I did not get angry, nor did I punish him, I just reasoned with him peacefully. He is still young and does not fully understand my words, but at least this time I have gone through the test of cultivating tolerance.

Paying Attention to My Words and Actions

I tell myself to pay attention to keep a Dafa disciple’s good image all the time because we are representatives of Dafa. In the parking lot, after parking my car, I would check if the space is enough for the driver of the car beside mine to get into the car.

The little bits and pieces in everyday life reflect practitioners’ xinxing. I hope that I can remember and genuinely practice cultivation. Meanwhile, I can clarify the truth and validate the beauty of Dafa to the people in the world.

Clarifying the Truth

When I lived in Kuala Lumpur, I helped clarify the truth at tourist attractions. Whenever I saw tourists who needed help, I went to them. I used the opportunity and handed them materials about Falun Dafa in different languages.

When I traveled by plane, I started conversations with the passengers next to me and I told them about Falun Dafa. I handed out materials in Japanese to a Japanese couple, and I left information at the airports and the hotels in Japan. When I was having dinner at a restaurant in Johor Bahru, I heard the customers at the next table speaking Korean, so I handed them information in Korean before they left.

I also distributed the Epoch Times in different places in Johor Bahru and spread the truth about Dafa in some social groups. I seize all the opportunities around me to tell people about the beauty of Dafa and the cruel persecution launched by the Chinese Communist Party. While shopping, I also hand out hand-made small lotus flowers and a brief introduction of Dafa with a wish that everyone will understand the truth and have a bright future.

I am glad that I was able to practice Falun Dafa in my old age. As I deeply feel that there are still many shortcomings in my practice, I have to urge myself to be more diligent, to do the three things well, and to follow Master to consummation.

Many thanks to Master and you all!

(Presented at the 2022 Malaysia Fa Conference)