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Memorizing Dafa's Teachings Helps My Cultivation

June 11, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Practitioner Ding Lan and I memorize and recite the Fa together. We read a paragraph repeatedly, then take turns repeating it until we have memorized it before we move on to the next paragraph. The next day, we first review what we memorized the day before. We'd also tried many other ways to memorize the Fa, and finally found this method to be more suitable for us. Although it is slower, it is effective.

Memorizing the Fa should not be rushed, but should be an effective way to assimilate to the Fa better. We are clear in our mind that we must not to be impatient. Every word and every sentence needs to be clear, repeated and recited over and over again. We have studied Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, for many years, and it seems to be very familiar to us on the surface. We don’t feel at ease until we recite everything repeatedly, and until every word and sentence appears in our mind. Then, we move on to the next paragraph. Sometimes, one paragraph takes a long time to memorize and it is very frustrating. Of course, there are reasons behind it. But, we never think of giving up. We have the wish to engrave Dafa in our minds.

I recited the Fa over and over again, and gradually I unconscously melted into the Fa. The attachments that I thought that I'd gotten rid of before were exposed again, and gradually I let them go completely. Dafa melts everything and corrects everything. We all cherish the environment that Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) arranged for us to study and memorize the Fa. We must be persistent in memorizing the Fa.

One time, my heart was filled with joy after reciting a section of the Fa for a long time. It’s the kind of quiet, joyful feeling that is different from simple human happiness. It is difficult to express in words. It is just amazing, a feeling I'd never experienced before. I clearly felt the joy of my main soul obtaining the Fa.

Before practicing Dafa, my only hobby was reading novels. The bad information in them filled up my brain, and my thought karma interfered a lot. After so many years of practicing Falun Dafa, when encountering specific issues, I could not control myself and would handle it from a human perspective, even though I knew that there are no accident for cultivators, and everything was arranged by Master. I always regretted it after I encountered a bottleneck and could not break through. I studied the Fa but didn’t comprehend the Fa. I knew that I needed to put more effort into studying the Fa, but I felt that it is difficult to change the status quo by myself. 

After reading the article on the Minghui website about fellow practitioners memorizing the Fa together, I was inspired and I had a strong desire to memorize the Fa with fellow practitioners. Surprisingly, Master arranged for me to study and memorize the Fa with fellow practitioners. Thank you, Master for your constant care, and for your compassion.

I've have a good Fa-study environment since the very beginning of my cultivation. Yet the evil took advantage of my loopholes to disrupt me: I had conflicts and frictions with fellow practitioners. Nevertheless, we quickly resolved our issues and rectified ourselves in the Fa. After memorizing the Fa, there was less friction between us, and we learned to look inward and cultivate ourselves. The attachments that were not exposed suddenly appeared. I didn’t study the Fa enough in the past and I was not aware that I had so many attachments. When conflicts arose, I forgot the Fa and got stuck. I regretted afterwards that I'd missed the great opportunities that Master arranged. 

Summary of Benefits from Memorizing the Fa

1. Memorizing the Fa enables me to believe in Master and the Fa more, and helps me understand the solemnity and sacredness of cultivation.

2. Memorizing the Fa enables me to study the Fa with a peaceful mind, to truly merge myself into the Fa, to eliminate distracting thoughts, to look inward when conflicts arise, to eliminate a large amount of thought karma and negative thinking, to get rid of attachments without procrastinating, and to break out of the shell of the human body. Most importantly it helps me feel like a true practitioner. When the main consciousness wakes up, there are fewer human emotions and less negative thoughts -- attachments go away quickly. I also found many hidden attachments that I was not aware of, and many bad things gradually made themselves known. When memorizing and reciting the Fa, I always feel uncomfortable in my body. I know that every cell has been purged and cleansed by Dafa, and that I am being continuously purified.

3. Memorizing the Fa enables me to concentrate when sending righteous thoughts.

4. Memoring the Fa made me no longer argue with my relatives and fellow practitioners. When there are conflicts, I no longer look outside. I know that I should truly cultivate myself.

5. Memorizing the Fa has strengthened my willpower, endurance and motivation to improve. I was defeated by my attachments frequently. Normally, that happened when I was alone and was less diligent. 

6. Memorizing the Fa enabled me to take the initiative to clarify the truth and offer salvation to people. Although I still can’t help everyone I meet, I am working on it. 

7. In the past, when encountering issues, I couldn’t tell whether it was Master’s hints or interference by the old forces. I got confused and didn’t know what to do. Memorizing the Fa enabled me to tell right from wrong, because the Fa is the standard. Memorizing the Fa enabled me to righteously comprehend the principles of the Fa and walk the path of righteous cultivation.

I think that memorizing and reciting the Fa is a good way to study the Fa well, obtain the Fa, and assimilate to the Fa. I often think that if I could have studied the Fa in this way with my fellow practitioners earlier, I would have improved much quicker and would have saved more people!