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Police Officers Quit the Communist Party after Learning the Truth

June 13, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I wish to share several experiences of using my encounters with the police to try to inform them of the truth about Falun Dafa so that they will have a good opinion of the practice.

I was clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to people in a clothing store when I met a man who told me straightaway that he was a member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and wanted to quit it. He said he was a police officer and was there to make sure that there were no Falun Dafa practitioners in the area. He also directed my attention to a man in white shoes about 30 feet away and said that guy was also a policeman and I should avoid him.

One day I was explaining the facts about Falun Dafa at a bus station and saw a man standing at a window. When I asked him to quit the CCP and its youth organizations, he told me to stay away from him because he was a police officer. I stepped away, came up with a pseudonym for him, wrote it on a piece of paper, and showed it to him. I said, “You must know the truth since you are a police officer. If you are a CCP member, why don’t you quit the Party using this fictitious name?” He nodded his head and thanked me.

A plainclothes officer dragged me to the police station in the train station when I clarified the truth there. They opened my bag and found a few paper currency bills with truth-clarification messages printed on them and a phone book. I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master for help. I told them that there was nothing of interest in my bag, that the Falun Dafa informational materials were consistent with article 36 of the Constitution, that freedom of belief and speech are fundamental human rights, and that the Party breaks the law and violates people’s human rights.

They discussed it with their superior and then said I could go. When I asked them to return my phone book, they refused. I said. “It’s my personal property. I will not leave if you don’t return it to me.” I pulled out a chair and sat down. An officer at the door came over and said, “Why don’t you give it back to her?”

I recently went there again to clarify the truth and met the officer who’d intervened on my behalf. He had already quit the CCP using his real name. He told me that the officer who’d reported me had died from drinking too much.

I was reported to the railway police department when I clarified the truth at the train station. After they interrogated me for a while, they were answering their own questions. Two junior officers asked me, “Madam, please use a fictitious name for me and help me quit the Young Pioneers.”

After New Year’s Day, I was arrested and taken to the railway police department. They found three DVDs and two copies of Master’s new articles on me and asked me where I’d gotten them. I did not answer. They wanted to take me to my home, but I refused to let them. Finally, they let me go.

I was arrested and taken to the police station or police department many times. Under Master's protection, I was always released the same day.