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Cultivating Our Xinxing Is the Foundation to Saving Sentient Beings

July 13, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Since last year, I’ve felt that it’s been much easier to help save sentient beings. This occurred after I put my heart into studying and memorizing the Fa, especially after memorizing Hong Yin VI. I wrote this article to share with fellow practitioners, so that it may help to get the ball rolling for saving more sentient beings, which is our most urgent task at hand.

In the past year, I’ve read one lecture of Zhuan Falun every day. If I have time, I memorize Hong Yin VI. The more I memorized the Fa, the more I could sense the benevolent, fragrant scent of the Fa in my heart. To date, I have memorized the book four times. The deep inner meanings in the Fa removed layers of a shell that enveloped me, making me feel clear, relaxed, and happy. Everything around me feels harmonious.

Looking back at my past cultivation experiences, I feel so ashamed that I wasted so much time during the past 20-plus years. Since I did not cultivate solidly, I did not achieve a good effect when I cooperated with other practitioners and coordinators. I was always picking on their flaws, thus creating many conflicts and putting up many walls.

Digging deep into the roots of it, this was a result of my studying the Fa as a formality. I did not take the Fa into my heart and often lost concentration during Fa study. I often even did not know what Master’s lecture was talking about after I finished reading. Since I did not let the Fa meld into my heart, how could I cultivate my {{xinxing}, much less improve my cultivation level? My xinxing level was no different from that of an everyday person. I could not keep my thoughts in check, and my behavior was not good. Not only did I fail to improve in my cultivation, I also affected other practitioners. The practitioners around me were anxious for me and tried to help me based on the Fa.

Because my xinxing did not improve, it was hard for me to save sentient beings. For example, I ran a small Dafa materials production site to raise awareness about the persecution for the past 10 years. During the process of producing materials, the printer never worked smoothly, and there were always problems with it. However, when the technical support practitioner came to help, the printer was always diagnosed as not having any major problems. Fellow practitioners reminded me to cultivate my xinxing. Only then did I start to look within. With that, I found a whole load of attachments. I knew I should correct myself after finding all those attachments, as a practitioner should do. But I just could not do it. The printer has a soul, and it behaves based on my xinxing level.

When my xinxing was not good, it kept having problems, such as paper getting stuck, printing with two pieces of paper going in at once, etc. Not only did this waste a lot of paper, it also wasted precious time. Moreover, it left me feeling battered and terribly upset. This detour was an unforgettable experience for me. Writing this experience-sharing is to present a warning to fellow practitioners who are experiencing something similar.

The Fa’s principles enlightened me to cultivate myself well, so that I can save more sentient beings and attain enlightenment. When my xinxing improves, saving sentient beings also goes well.

I understand that fellow practitioners and I are one family. Everyone cultivates the same Fa, and our goals are the same. We should be accommodating to one another during our interactions. Every line of Master’s lectures are filled with His vast magnanimity and benevolence for his disciples. As a Falun Dafa disciple, what Master models is also what I should do. I, too, should be tolerant toward other practitioners, as this is also a form of benevolence.

When I treat people and matters with benevolence, the Fa’s powers will be displayed. Dafa’s powers are limitless. So whenever conflicts arise between practitioners, they can be resolved, and everything will become smooth sailing. Not only will the surrounding environment become harmonious, but I’ll also improve myself based on the Fa. This really is like killing two birds with one stone.

How can one make their efforts to save sentient beings more effective? My personal experience is to maintain a considerate, harmonious attitude and form one body with everyone. All fellow practitioners are withstanding the evil’s pressure to form one body, which is really not easy.

I’m a practitioner with divine power. In that case, all the more so should I understand the hardship of the coordinating practitioner. With regards to treating the practitioners around me, I also learned I should be more understanding of them. During our interactions, there may be surface or more in depth conflicts, but I should not worry or think too much about them. As the saying goes, there is no perfect person in this world. So when I focus more on the strengths of my fellow practitioners, I’m able to maintain my xinxing and make use of their strengths to make up for my shortcomings. This will achieve a great leap in my cultivation state.

This kind of leap means that my attitude has become especially good; everything around me will then seem pleasing to my eyes. Since my space and the surrounding space are connected, this will set off a chain reaction.

So before I begin producing materials, I now communicate with the printer, “You are a life that has been chosen by Dafa, an honorable being that came for the Fa. As such, please cooperate well with me, and let’s get rid of any disturbances so that we can fulfill our mission. In the future, you will enter the new universe and will become a great divine being too.” Every time I convey this to the printer, miracles happen. The quality of the printed materials is good, and there is no waste of time, nor a single piece of paper. Everything goes very smoothly. When I’m done, I always say to the printer, “You have worked hard! Thank you for cooperating nicely with me!”

I am fortunate to be a Dafa practitioner. I’m a being who has been chosen by Master, and I shoulder a great, sacred mission. Master mentioned “Falun rotates constantly” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun). For the past 23 years, countless Falun (law wheels) have been spinning in front of my eyes. Master let me see Falun from time to time and gave me supernatural powers to encourage me to cultivate well.

I’ve never taken any medication during countless illness tribulations (some were due to karma, while some were due to my not cultivating diligently). I was illegally arrested by the communist authorities three times and sent to a forced labor camp once, but my determination to cultivate did not change. This is because the spinning Falun have been constantly reminding me that this Fa is the true Fa. The Falun is guiding me, and Master’s benevolence is cleansing the karma I accrued over my past lifetimes. He has pulled me onward. Thank you, great Master!

When Master published the new article “Why Save Sentient Beings,” I read it three times, but did not have a deep understanding of the content. I can only understand a little bit on the surface. But I do know this is Master’s mighty grace for sentient beings! This is something that sentient beings from the different cosmic realms can never repay!

We Dafa practitioners also can never repay Master! We followed Master down to the human world to assist Him in Fa-rectification and to save sentient beings. This is the most pressing matter that is placed right before us. So it is crucial that we cultivate ourselves well! This is the foundation to saving sentient beings.