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I Attended Two of Master’s Lecture Series

July 27, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I have been practicing Falun Dafa for 30 years. No words can fully express my gratitude to our esteemed Master. I’d like to give a big shout-out from the bottom of my heart, “Master, you have been working hard!”

Attending Master Li’s Lecture in Qiqihar City in 1993

I began to have health issues in my 50s just like most people. I tried several kinds of qigong but nothing cured my illnesses or improved my health.

I was fortunate to attend Master Li’s lectures in Qiqihar in 1993. The night before the first lecture, I was sitting quietly for 15 minutes before going to bed as usual. Suddenly, I saw many electric fan-like things spinning in my room. I didn’t know what they were, but I felt very good.

I found out later on that Master had sent out Falun (law bodies) to adjust practitioners’ bodies even before the lectures started. I was so grateful that this had happened to me, too.

I arrived at the lecture hall early and sat in the front row every day. When the students were learning the exercises from Master’s assistants, Master observed us from the podium. He came down from the podium and corrected my movements for Exercise Three.

At the end of the nine-day lecture series, I wrote an experience sharing paper and handed it to Master in person. I was so happy—the memory still warms my heart today.

The lecture series ended after 8:00 p.m. nine days later, and then Master had to catch the night train to Beijing to give a lecture at Beijing Public Security University.

We followed Master outside. It was raining, but we surrounded him, hoping to get an autograph. Master stood under an awning and signed autographs in the dim light. I asked a tall practitioner to hand my copy of Falun Gong to Master Li to sign. Master signed and dated it.

An assistant said to us around 9 p.m., “Please make way for Master. Master needs to catch the train.” We moved aside and quietly watched him leave. So many years have passed, but tears still come my eyes when I recall that scene.

After the lectures, practice sites were established in different districts in Qiqihar. We did the exercises together in the mornings and studied the Fa teachings together in the evenings. Everyone was diligent, and no one wanted to be left behind. The cultivation environment always inspired me.

I attended another lecture series Master held in Harbin that began on August 4,1994. The 4000-seat gymnasium was filled with practitioners, but it very quiet.

During the break, one of Master’s assistants came over and spoke to the person sitting next to me who was a factory director. The assistant said, “Master Li told me to come here and ask if this was what you were thinking during the lecture: ‘There are so many people here but no one makes any noise; it’s simply incredible.’” Surprised, the factory director said, “Yes! That was exactly what I was thinking! Unbelievable!”

The Persecution Begins

After the persecution of Falun Dafa began on July 20, 1999, other practitioners and I went to City Hall on July 22 to express our concerns. With no explanation, the police pushed us into a bus and drove us to a school on the outskirts of the city.

They did not release us until they secured everyone’s personal information. When I got home, I knelt down in front of Master’s portrait and wept uncontrollably. “Master, I have to take your picture down for now. I promise I will protect your picture, Dafa books, and all Dafa materials.”

My family moved across two provinces, and, for practicing Falun Dafa, my house has been ransacked once over the past 24 years, but all my Dafa books, Master’s picture, and the “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” banner used in a Fa conference are still intact. Protected by Master, no Dafa materials have been lost or damaged.

Having lost our group study environment, I felt strongly that I should do a lot of Fa study to be able to follow the path Master arranged for me. I repeatedly studied Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, and Master’s other lectures.

Every time we moved to a new place, I asked Master to guide me to find the local practitioners, and every time I was able to connect with them within a short period of time. I hosted group study in my house wherever we moved to. My family, especially my husband, was very supportive. My husband always greeted practitioners and was very hospitable.

When the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published at the end of 2004, the movement to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations began. I came to understand how important it was to clarify the truth that Falun Dafa is good and to expose the CCP’s persecution—that is our prehistoric vow. Master has given us the opportunity to fulfill our vows.

I talked to people about Falun Dafa, starting with my relatives, friends, and classmates. They were spread throughout the country. I even found some whom I had lost contact with for many years. I made phone calls, and traveled by train and bus. After I clarified the truth to all of them, I began to clarify the truth to strangers face to face.

At first, I felt it was difficult and didn’t know how to start. I exchanged understandings with fellow practitioners and realized I must get out of my comfort zone and walk my own path to validate the Fa.

When I walked into a crowd, I could feel their suffering. Once they understood the truth and withdrew from the CCP and its youth organizations, they were genuinely happy. They treated me like a family member, and words of gratitude came from their hearts: “Thank you!” “Be careful!” “Take care!” “See you later!”

Over the years, several thousand people have understood what I told them and agreed to quit the CCP organizations, which is far fewer than those practitioners who go out every day.

I met a senior aircraft designer on the bus. He understood what I told him and said, “I really admire Falun Gong practitioners. You guys are remarkable! You dare to stand up and expose the dictatorial, authoritarian regime despite the brutality of the persecution.”

Another time, I met a nice-looking old man in a supermarket. “How old are you?” I asked him. “You look so sharp!” When he said he was 82, I said, “Do you mind sitting down with me? You have taken good care of yourself. You must be someone of importance.” He said, “I am a university professor.”

I clarified the facts and told him about quitting the CCP organizations. He said, “I have been to the United States. People have freedom of belief there. No one messes with what others believe.” Then he joked, “Do you know why I joined the Party? It’s because I taught Marxism-Leninism for 13 years. I got myself ‘mixed’ into the Party.”

I said, “If you talk about Marxism-Leninism in the West, people will find it ridiculous.” He agreed, “Marxism-Leninism’s philosophy of struggle is harmful.” He withdrew from the Party, accepted the truth-clarifying materials, thanked me, and left feeling cheerful.

I often ran into well-educated elderly people, many of whom are senior intellectuals. They typically accepted the truth easily. In particular, the Party is getting worse and worse, and those who understand the truth are willing to leave it as soon as possible.

As Master’s Fa-rectification forges ahead, the rotten demons and evil elements that harm sentient beings are being eliminated continuously, and more and more people are gradually awakening to the truth. In my understanding, as long as our heart is set on saving people, Master will arrange everything for us.

If we do this all year round, it will become a habit. As soon as we step out the door, our first thought is: “Master, please strengthen my righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements and rotten demons, so that more sentient beings can be saved. Master has the say over everything! I only walk the path Master has arranged.”

Master has protected me and given me so much, and I have benefited from Dafa greatly. I am in my 80s, but I ride my bike as if I were in my 50s. Thank you, Master,