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UK: Residents Praise Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance During Hartford Festival

July 29, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in the UK

(Minghui.org) Hartford, a lovely village in Northwich, Cheshire, England, held a festival celebrating its 100th birthday, which began on July 9, 2023. Local Falun Dafa practitioners were invited to join the event and set up a booth. They demonstrated the exercises and told people about the persecution in China.

Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises during celebrations held in Hartford on July 9, 2023.

The weather was breezy and sunny, and kicked off for the two-week festival, which included entertainment such as baseball, a scarecrow making competition, barbecue, and picnics.

The practitioners’ waist drum team led the entertainment

The event organizer asked the waist drum team to start off the performances. Villagers warmly applauded as practitioners dressed in yellow silk outfits synchronized their steps with the drum beats. Some residents exclaimed, “Wow!” or, “Such a neat formation!” and, “Beautiful costumes. This is so cool!”

Residents Praise Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance 

Three young women said that Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are values that the whole world needs

Three young women stopped by the Falun Dafa booth and watched the waist drum performances. They said, “We really like their costumes. We like their passion and we also like the smiles on their faces. They represent traditional Chinese culture.” After learning that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is persecuting practitioners they immediately signed the petition that called for it to end.

They said, “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are universal values, China needs them, the UK needs them, the whole world needs them!” They told practitioners, “We support you one hundred percent. Falun Dafa is good. We really like Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance!”

Couple thanks practitioners for telling them about the true situation in China

A young couple brought their child to watch the waist drum team perform. The young mother gave the thumbs up and said, “Their performance is dignified and lively. It touched my heart. Watching them dance with the white clouds in the blue sky, I feel at peace.”

The father said, “We support the Chinese people to fight for their right to freedom. The CCP is so evil, it cannot exist anymore. Falun Dafa teaches people to be good, this is a very righteous belief. Thank you all for telling us what’s really going on in China.”

Ken and Beryl’s entire family supports Falun Dafa

Ken and Beryl are a retired couple. Their whole family came to join in the celebrations. When they learned about the Falun Dafa practitioners’ suffering under the CCP’s persecution, they found it unbelievable. Ken said, “In our country, everyone is equal. However, in China, groups of people who have beliefs are being persecuted. There is no freedom of speech. This is too terrible! The CCP must stop the live organ harvesting and killing of people. Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance can make our small village become a more wonderful place!”

His wife Beryl agreed, “Falun Dafa practitioners suffer from cruel persecution due to their belief. This is against humanity! We support you all!”

Festival Attendees Learn the Exercises

Children learn the Falun Dafa exercises

The practitioners also demonstrated the five sets of Falun Dafa exercises. Many villagers and their children came to the booth to ask if there are any classes in the area where they could learn the exercises. While practitioners did the exercises, some children imitated their movements.

A seven- to eight- year-old boy said that he did not know why but when he sat down and positioned his legs in the full lotus position, he felt a strong surge of warm energy flowing through his body, which made him feel very good. He said that he will tell his friends and classmates about his amazing experience.

Ms. Joy Middleton is an accountant. She became friends with a practitioner, so she had some understanding about Falun Dafa and practiced the exercises. She said that the energy field at the booth was very clear and she felt very comfortable. She said that Falun Dafa is very peaceful, “Falun Dafa is really good!”

Ms. Middleton previously signed the petition to show her support for the practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution. She said, “Seeing the persecution [of Falun Dafa practitioners] shocks people! Such a peaceful cultivation group should not be persecuted in such a cruel manner.”