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Toronto, Canada: Banner Exhibition Held to Support the 410 Million Chinese People Who Have Quit the Chinese Communist Organizations

July 7, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Toronto

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Canada held banners in the center of Toronto on July 2, 2023, to celebrate 410 million Chinese people quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated youth organizations, thus welcoming a bright future for themselves. Since the publication of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party nearly 20 years ago, more and more Chinese people have renounced their memberships in the CCP. This has formed an unstoppable wave of quitting the CCP and its youth organizations by the Chinese people.

Falun Dafa practitioners hold banners in the center of Toronto to celebrate the 410 million Chinese people who have quit the CCP and its youth organizations

Passersby take truth-clarification materials from Falun Dafa practitioners

People stop to talk to Falun Dafa practitioners and sign the petition to show their support for ending the persecution

International Student from France: I Support You All to End This Persecution

Rene (first on the right) is an international student from France. His whole family said that they sincerely support Falun Dafa practitioners in ending the CCP’s persecution.

Rene is an international student from France who is studying in Montreal. He brought his parents to Toronto for a vacation and happened to see the Falun Dafa practitioners’ banner exhibition in the city center.

After learning that the motive of the event was to show support for the 410 million Chinese people who have quit the CCP and its youth organizations, Rene said, “Being French, I love freedom. Therefore, to me, I am unwilling to let others force me to give up my personal wishes. Having seen so many people come to participate in this event on the streets of Toronto, I support you.” He signed the petition to show his support for ending the CCP.

When he heard about the CCP’s persecution of the Falun Dafa practitioners in China, Rene said he could not understand the CCP’s motives, “I think that it is important for a human being to reflect on oneself. Examining one’s behavior based on Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance promotes balance and harmony in the interactions between people. I do not understand why the CCP wants to persecute this group of people. Falun Dafa practitioners deserve respect.”

Rene said something to his parents in French and then told a practitioner, “I introduced Falun Dafa to them. I really wish that I had more power to help the Falun Dafa practitioners in China end this persecution!”

Philippine Immigrant: The World Becomes a Better Place When People Become More Compassionate

After learning about the CCP’s persecution of Dafa practitioners, Franz signed the petition to show his support

Franz is a Filipino who lives in Toronto. He had been passing by the event when he paused to learn about Falun Dafa and the CCP’s persecution of practitioners for the first time. He signed the petition.

Franz said, “What the CCP has done is really bad. It must be the CCP’s wrongdoings. They should not persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. The practitioners just want to become better people. I hope that this situation can improve. I hope that Falun Dafa can be practiced in China. Everyone needs to practice Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. If people become more compassionate, the world would be a better place.”

French Resident Who Works in Canada: The CCP Persecutes Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance

Sanela, a French resident who came to Canada to work, said that she agrees with Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.

Sanela is a French citizen who came to work in Toronto two years ago. She has seen Falun Dafa practitioners practicing the exercises in a park from time to time. “I did not know that the CCP does not allow people to practice Falun Dafa in China,” she said.

After learning about the purpose of organizing the event, Sanela said, “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are qualities of a good person. It is a display of open-mindedness and is the best state that a human being can attain. Honestly speaking, I do not know why the CCP wants to persecute Falun Dafa. It does not harm anybody. It is just to improve a person’s own spiritual realm. To me, the CCP’s behavior is very abnormal.”

“I object to this persecution,” Sanela said, and she signed the petition.

Flight Instructor from India: 410 Million People Quitting the CCP Organizations Is A Milestone

Manpreet, a flight instructor from India, said that he knows about the CCP’s lies and cheating.

Manpreet is originally from India and is the boss of a rooftop restaurant in Toronto. He is also a flight instructor. After learning that practitioners were celebrating the 410 million Chinese people who have quit the CCP and its youth organizations, he said, “The CCP concealing the truth and spreading lies during the COVID pandemic caused the pandemic to spread to the whole world and brought me a lot of hardship. My mother fell ill, and I often felt anxious. So I feel that 410 million people quitting the CCP and its youth organizations is a milestone. I applaud that!”

When a practitioner handed him a flier, Manpreet said “Falun Dafa” twice and then said, “I also do meditation. I will go online to check this out.”

Manpreet not only signed the petition, he also severely condemned the CCP, “I think that the CCP’s existence is a form of unfairness to the Chinese people. I am really happy to see that the CCP is disintegrating.”