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Pay Attention to Small Things in Order to Cultivate Solidly

Aug. 10, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Taiwan

(Minghui.org) Most of our practitioners have a sense that it’s crucial to seize the remaining time and do the three things well. Based on my understanding of the teachings, I would like to discuss some minor issues I’ve observed.

Some Falun Dafa practitioners are still not able to keep their palms in the upright position when sending righteous thoughts. It’s possible they have a heavy workload and have little time to sleep, while others suspect that these practitioners are in a poor cultivation state. Some deny experiencing any problems with sending righteous thoughts, while others believe they have done their best but can’t rectify the situation. There are also those who say they don’t know how to send righteous thoughts, as they don’t sense any power when they try. 

Sending Righteous Thoughts Effectively

Nearly every practitioner I know has experienced difficulties with sending righteous thoughts in the proper manner. Some of us overcame these challenges with determination. Isn’t cultivating a steadfast heart what cultivators strive for? By persevering, one can definitely change their state of sending righteous thoughts because Master Li’s fashen (law bodies) are right beside us.

Master said,

“Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

Isn’t this also related to whether one has faith in Master and the Fa? Of the three things Master asks us to do, sending righteous thoughts is the simplest one from a human standpoint, yet it is a powerful weapon for practitioners to eliminate evil. How can we not pay attention to doing it well?!

After we concentrate, focus our minds, and finish sending righteous thoughts, we will feel uplifted spiritually and comfortable physically. This should be the natural result of sending righteous thoughts well.

Reading the Teachings

If one doesn’t prioritize reading the Fa teachings, it will affect one’s enlightenment ability. As the Fa-rectification reaches its final stage, some practitioners’ understandings remain at a superficial level. If they cannot perceive the seriousness of the Fa’s requirements for cultivators, they may remain stagnant at a certain level and have difficulty passing tests. Just like sending righteous thoughts, if one doesn’t read the Fa with a focused mind, it will be difficult to concentrate. When it becomes challenging to maintain focus, one should eliminate distractions and adopt different methods of studying, such as memorizing or copying the Fa. Of course, some practitioners may claim, “It’s too difficult,” or “I don’t have patience.” But aren’t these precisely the human attachments that cultivators should overcome? Can cultivation be comfortable and effortless?

Doing the Exercises

The book “The Great Way of Spiritual Perfection” describes the states that each set of exercises should reach, and this is something we must pay attention to. It’s not simply a matter of stretching and moving our bodies as though we were doing physical exercises. Of course, it is difficult to precisely define what it means to do the exercises well, but “cultivating with a focused mind” is most important and something that is easy to achieve. As long as one is focused, one will feel Master’s law bodies helping them adjust their movements. However, some people perform the movements while looking around and get distracted by their surroundings. Isn’t this being interfered with without realizing it? Doing the exercises should not be done mechanically, as they will not be effective. It can help to remind oneself, “Since I am already here doing the exercises, I ought to put my heart into doing the exercises well and not think of other things during this period of time.”

Joining Projects to Help Save People

As we approach the final stage of cultivation, everyone has become more active in participating in various projects to save people. It seems like they fear being left behind. Regardless of whether a project is suitable for them or whether they can balance everything well, they simply follow along and do whatever others say is important. Isn’t this just blindly following the crowd? Every project to save people is important, but does this mean one has to participate in all of them?

However, I have come to realize that talking to people about the persecution is something every practitioner should do. I often hear other practitioners say, “If you don’t participate in such and such project, you are falling behind in the Fa-rectification process.” Isn’t this statement too absolute? As a cultivator, as long as one does things with sincerity, the power to save people will be significant. Wanting to do everything or doing one thing and neglecting another may actually indicate shortcomings in one’s cultivation.

Although the above-mentioned are seemingly small matters, it is precisely because they are small that they may not receive enough attention and cause one to feel as if their cultivation state is not solid. So it is important to focus on making solid progress in order to pass significant tests with righteous thoughts.