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Barcelona, Spain: People Sign Petition to Call for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong

Aug. 11, 2023 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Spain

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners held a signature drive in Plaza Catalunya, a famous tourist site in Barcelona, to protest the persecution in China on July 15, 2023. They put up banners and display boards clarifying the facts about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. They also told passersby about the harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. People signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution after learning the facts. Some Chinese went from opposing and cursing to supporting Falun Gong.

Falun Gong practitioners held a stop-the-persecution signature drive at Plaza Catalunya, a famous tourist site in Barcelona on July 15.

Plaza Catalunya is located at the northern end of La Rambla, a pedestrian street and the central avenue in Barcelona. It is the most prosperous commercial and cultural center in Barcelona and a must for tourists from around the world who visit the area.

Practitioners collect signatures in Plaza Catalunya every weekend. They also demonstrate the exercises to show people just how wonderful Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) is. Many passersby sign the petition to support practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution once they learn the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution.

Chinese in Barcelona Quit the CCP

A Chinese father and son visited the Falun Gong table. The father told a practitioner that he knew about many evil things the CCP has done to its own people. He said to his child while pointing to the display boards, “We live in a democratic country. People here have freedom of religion.” They both quit the CCP and its youth organization with their real names.

People from China Change Their Opinion of Falun Gong

A few Chinese had yelled abuse at practitioners at the information site in the past because they believed the CCP propaganda. They came over and admitted to a practitioner that they had been deceived by the CCP and had misunderstood Falun Gong. One said he was moved by practitioners’ persistently clarifying the facts to people over the past years and respected their efforts.

All of them signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution. They also said that, although they had not yet stood up as bravely as practitioners did, they admired them for their efforts over the past years and think that what they have done is awesome.

Physician: Organ Trafficking for Profit Is Unimaginably Evil

Physician Jikurashvili: This crime cannot be allowed to continue.

Ms. Jikurashvili is a medical doctor. She signed the petition as soon as she read the brochure and said that she knew that China was a communist country with no human rights or freedom. She was aware that the Chinese regime kills good people of faith and even sells their organs for profit, which is “really unimaginably evil! This crime should never be allowed to continue!”

Tourists from Peru: This Crime Cannot Be Allowed to Continue!

Ms. Calone (right) and her daughter from Peru

Ms. Calone and her daughter were in Barcelona to attend her granddaughter’s wedding. Her husband, who is Chinese, is from Guangdong Province. He had told the family how cruel and inhumane the CCP was when it implemented family planning and how it killed young lives. Today the mother and daughter learned that the CCP is still persecuting good people of faith and even harvesting their organs for profit. After they signed the petition, Ms. Calone said that the CCP’s crimes must be brought to light, that the CCP cannot go unpunished, and that such crimes cannot be allowed to continue.

Locals Voice Support

Ms. Martinez is a native of Barcelona who lives nearby. She often passes by the information booth and signed a petition a long time ago. She said, “I have been talking to my friends about the persecution of Falun Gong, I hope I can help you—I will always support you!”

A student at a theological college said, “I know that the Communist Party is a cult, a devil in essence, and that it has been persecuting Christians in China.” He signed the petition and said that he would work with practitioners to spread the facts and help change people’s hearts towards goodness.

After a mother and daughter from Egypt read the display boards about the torture committed by the CCP and its organ harvesting from living practitioners, the mother said, “Killing people for their organs and persecuting people for their beliefs—the CCP has committed serious crimes and must never be forgiven!”