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Sydney, Australia: Introducing Falun Gong at the City2Surf Fun Run Event

Aug. 21, 2023 |   By Minghui correspondents in Sydney

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners set up banners and demonstrated the exercises along the road of the City2Surf Fun Run in Sydney, Australia on August 13, 2023. Their bright yellow shirts and flowing exercise movements caught the attention of the crowds of runners. 

Crowds of runners on the road and Falun Gong practitioners on the roadside during the City2Surf Fun Run in Sydney, Australia on August 13, 2023

The annual City2Surf Fun Run has a long and inspiring history for more than 50 years. More than 85,000 runners from around the world ran from Sydney’s central business district to Bondi Beach this year.

Many runners passed by the Falun Gong practitioners’ booth. They stopped to sign the petition calling for an end to the persecution. 

Volunteers from all walks of life participated in this event and raised funds for charities. When they met the Falun Gong group doing the exercises on the roadside, many people expressed support: “Falun Dafa is good!” “You are amazing!” “Keep up the good work!”

A continuous stream of people stopped at the Falun Gong booth. Some signed the petition condemning the persecution; some learned the exercises, while others asked where they could learn in the future. 

Public Support of Falun Gong

Niamh Burke stops to find out more about Falun Gong. 

Niamh Burke stopped in front of the Falun Gong booth. She said that she objected to the ongoing Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution. She signed the petition. 

“Everyone should be allowed to practice their beliefs,” she said. “So I think [the Falun Gong practitioners demonstrating the Falun Gong exercises] is great. We hope you have a good day today. I think many people who pass here will benefit from the Falun Gong demonstration.”

When she was told that Falun Gong practitioners follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she said: “That is the perfect expression. The truth will help people understand the world.”

She continued to explain: “Any thought-provoking ideology is good for people. That’s why we are not animals, because we hold kindness in our heart for everyone.”

Ashwin Mworthy expressed his support for Falun Gong.

Ashwin Mworthy stopped at the booth and expressed his support for Falun Gong practitioners. He said he had heard of Falun Gong while in Beijing. He said: “I know how difficult it is for you over there [in China]. But I support you very much. You are amazing.”

He also likes the Falun Gong practitioners’ exercise demonstration because it can bring “a lot of peaceful, happy, and compassionate energy [to people].” Ashwin said that the persecution should stop, and that every democratic and open society needs to work to stop it. 

Cheena Verma (right) supports Falun Gong. 

Cheena Verma ran past the Falun Gong demonstration site and was drawn by the banners conveying Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She said that these are very important values that people may have forgotten over the years.

She added: “This kind of movement is good for people like us to actually have a better life, because it helps bring everyone together in peace and less conflict.”

She also opposed the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong, and explained: “Being able to practice your beliefs is a very important value. It determines our identity and distinguishes us from animals. If this right is deprived, that would be a very difficult thing to accept.”

Edwina Klatheh also stopped to support Falun Gong practitioners against the persecution. She likes to meditate and hopes to learn more about it.

When she learned about the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she said, “It’s very valuable and very inspirational. It might be difficult to do, but it’s very inspiring. To do it, one needs dedication, perseverance, and the right mindset.”

She also opposes the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong. In her view, the persecution is evil and must be stopped.