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Nagoya, Japan: Group Exercise and March Expose the Persecution in China

Sept. 20, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Japan

(Minghui.org) Practitioners in Aichi Prefecture gathered at its capital city Nagoya on September 17 for a group exercise at Sakae Park, followed by a march in the Sakae district. It was a warm day and the temperature of 33 degrees Celsius (91 degrees Fahrenheit) broke a 60-year record. Many people were drawn by the practitioners’ peaceful exercises and learned about the ongoing suppression by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Practitioners do the Falun Dafa exercises at Sakae Park in Nagoya on September 17, 2023.

A police officer who had previously talked to practitioners and knew about the persecution brought large bottles of cold tea and other drinks to the group practice. He said it was a hot day and reminded practitioners not to get heat stroke.

With a population of 2.3 million, Nagoya is one of the largest cities in Japan. The march started in Sakae Park and went through Otsu-dori St., the Osu shopping district, and Hisaya-odori Park. Many local residents and tourists stopped to watch and said they were impressed. They thanked practitioners for the information and encouraged them to keep up their efforts.

Falun Dafa practitioners marched in Nagoya to tell people about the persecution in China.

Stopping the Persecution

Miyahara came to Nagoya to watch a baseball game and saw practitioners at Sakae Park. He said the persecution is wrong and the CCP’s forced organ harvesting must end.

Hayato, who works in Nagoya, said he was sorry to hear that Falun Dafa practitioners were persecuted for their belief. He encouraged them to not give up and continue to appeal for their right to practice.

Nakajima thanked practitioners for telling him about Falun Dafa.

Nanguchi and his wife Kyoko.

Nanguchi and his wife Kyoko came to Nagoya to eat out. Kyoko said everyone came to this world with a purpose. She said practitioners should safeguard their freedom to practice their belief.

Uno (left) signed a petition to support practitioners.

Uno came to Nagoya to shop and thanked practitioners for being there and telling the community about Falun Dafa. He also signed a petition to stop the brutality in China.

People Condemn the CCP for Persecuting Falun Dafa

Simon Harveston (right) learns about Falun Dafa.

Simon Harveston from Australia was visiting Nagoya and talked with practitioners. He was shocked to hear how badly practitioners were mistreated for peacefully meditating. He said he saw no hope for the CCP.

Traco Fin Aung (right) and his friend are from Myanmar.

Traco Fin Aung from Myanmar thanked practitioners because he said Falun Dafa and its principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are important for this world.

Hasrfi signs a petition to end the persecution.

Hasrfi from Indonesia said he liked the practitioners’ march very much. He also signed a petition and hoped the persecution in China would end soon.

A man from New Zealand (right) was interested in learning Falun Dafa.

A bicyclist from New Zealand accepted a flyer in English from a practitioner and began to read it. Impressed by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and the health benefits of the practice, he said he would look into Falun Dafa.

A New Life

Hoang Thi Hien (left) and Tran Qwynhanh (right)

Hoang Thi Hien from Vietnam said she started practicing Falun Dafa one year ago when her friend suggested she try it. She said practicing Falun Dafa improved her health and made her a better person. “When my character improved, my outlook on life became positive so I felt less pressure. Falun Dafa is great,” she said.

Tran Qwynhanh said she began practicing in 2010 after her brother told her about Falun Dafa. “The improvements in my mind and body are huge,” she said. “I hope everyone can practice Falun Dafa and benefit like me.”

Another Vietnamese practitioner Nguyen Thithro said she was diagnosed with kidney disease five years ago and had to go to the hospital every month. Doctors said that the illness was incurable. A practitioner told her about Falun Dafa two and a half years ago, and she began to practice. “My kidney disease and other illnesses were resolved within six weeks after I began practicing. I no longer need to go to hospitals,” she said. “Falun Dafa gave me a new life.”