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Practitioners from Australia and New Zealand Wish Master a Happy New Year and Thank Him for His Saving Grace

Jan. 1, 2024 |   By Minghui correspondents in Australia and New Zealand

(Minghui.org) On the eve of the 2024 new year, Falun Dafa practitioners in Australia and New Zealand want to send New Year greetings to their revered Master and express their gratitude for his saving grace.

Practitioners in New Zealand wish Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Sydney, Australia wish Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Canberra, Australia wish Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Queensland, Australia wish Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Western Australia wish Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Adelaide wish Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Tasmania, Australia wish Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Melbourne wish Master a Happy New Year!

Several new and veteran practitioners shared their experiences after they began practicing, and want to let people know how wonderful and amazing Falun Dafa is. They hope that people learn the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa, stay safe in this troublesome world, be kind, and find the real purpose of life.

“Falun Dafa Opened a New Way of Life for Me”

Li Xinhong began practicing Falun Dafa in New Zealand twenty years ago. She said, “Falun Dafa changed me. I used to be very materialistic. Falun Dafa opened up a new way of life for me and showed me the true meaning of my life. I no longer pursue fame or personal interest, or worry about my health.”

Li Xinhong is thankful to Master and Falun Dafa for bringing happiness to her family.

Even though she practiced Falun Dafa for many years, she feels she is still very attached to herself. She could not tolerate different opinions and didn’t consider other people’s feelings. She said that Master saw her determination to improve and arranged an opportunity for her to eliminate her intolerance.

Her husband brought his mother who had dementia to New Zealand to live with them in May 2023. Although Xinhong thought she was prepared for this, her mother-in-law’s condition was far worse than she expected. His mother repeated the same words over and over and repeatedly asked the same questions. She also shouted and screamed. Xinhong was used to a quiet life, and her mind was full of bad thoughts and resentment towards her mother-in-law. She didn’t handle the situation like a practitioner should, with compassion and tolerance.

Xinhong began having some pain, and her faith in Dafa momentarily wavered, but she reminded herself of the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She reflected on herself every day to see whether she had unkind words or deeds towards her mother-in-law. She required of herself to do better.

One day when she was sending righteous thoughts, she thought, “Those bad thoughts are not mine.” She realized that Master had given her a hint. Those bad thoughts and deeds were not from her real self. The bad elements and karma didn’t want to leave her and so she was in pain.

When she saw her mother-in-law the next day, she didn’t have negative feelings towards her. She realized that Master helped remove the bad elements and karma.

When she was memorizing Master’s article “Stay Far Away from Peril,” she enlightened again that only Master and Falun Dafa could remove the karma that accumulated lifetime after lifetime for Dafa disciples and their family members.

With the New Year approaching, Xinhong and her family thank Master for his saving grace, and thank Falun Dafa for bestowing blessings on them. Their life has become brighter.

Life is Meaningful and Fulfilled After Practicing Falun Dafa

Thomas Nicholson from Gold Coast, Queensland, said he understood the real meaning of life after he started practicing Falun Dafa. He thanked Master and wished him a happy New Year.

Twenty-year-old Thomas Nicholson from Australia’s Gold Coast helped set up two new companies and is a partner in both of them. He began practicing Falun Dafa one year ago. His father’s friend practices Falun Dafa and sent his father a copy of Zhuan Falun.

His father was hospitalized for eye surgery, and Zhuan Falun was on the table. Thomas picked it up, began reading, and wished to know more about Falun Dafa. He contacted that practitioner, and they now frequently meet and talk about cultivation.

Thomas used to have difficulty falling asleep due to anxiety attacks. He often pondered the purpose of life, death, whether there was life after death, etc., but never found satisfactory answers. After he read Zhuan Falun, he said his questions were answered.

Even more miraculously, the anxiety attacks stopped. He is now happy and says his life is meaningful and fulfilled. The first time he read Zhuan Falun, he felt assured. This feeling was completely different from anything he experienced before. Thomas said the feeling is amazing.

He understands that he should put the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance into practice and let go of his attachments. When he does this, people around him feel the positive energy and like to be around him. They like to talk about Falun Dafa, the universe, and spiritual beliefs. This provides him an opportunity to clarify the truth to them.

He said that it was very important to clarify the truth to people and let more people know the beauty of Falun Dafa, and that practitioners shouldn’t be tortured and even persecuted to death due to their belief.

He hopes that people can benefit from Falun Dafa because Falun Dafa is truly wonderful. His friends and family encourage him to practice. He wishes Master a happy New Year and said, “Thank you Master!”

“Real Wisdom from Falun Dafa”

Phillipa Rayment, 88, from Melbourne, thanked Master for teaching the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Phillipa Rayment, 88, from Melbourne, was a radiographer in a hospital. She knew that radiation could damage her health, so she started searching for a healthier and more natural way of life.

She saw practitioners doing the exercises while she was on holiday in Queensland in 1998. She immediately knew this was what she had been searching for. After she returned to Melbourne, she went to a practice site in a local park and learned the exercises.

She was very impressed the first time she read Zhuan Falun, and felt like she already knew this book—every word resonated with her and she felt the book was written for her. She decided to practice Falun Dafa for the rest of her life. Throughout her life she searched for knowledge because she thought knowledge was the same as wisdom. Only after she found Falun Dafa did she realize that she had actually been looking for the real wisdom. Falun Dafa answered all her questions.

She used to smoke and drink to cope with difficulties. She no longer drank or smoked after she began practicing Falun Dafa because there was no need.

She attended the Australia Falun Dafa Conference in Sydney in 1999. She took a bus to Sydney with other practitioners and saw Falun circling the bus on their way to the conference. She said it was amazing.

She felt very lucky when she saw Master at the Fa conference. She knew that she had found meaning and direction in her life, and that she was walking on the right path.

She wants to express her huge thanks to Master. She thanks Master for teaching the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and bringing her peace and security.