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Taiwan: Readers’ Feedback On Minghui Books for Children (Part 2)

Jan. 30, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Taiwan

(Minghui.org) I teach in a public primary school in Taiwan. When I was assigned to a new class, there were many conflicts among my students. They often argued with their classmates until their faces were red, and this exhausted the teachers. I shared the contents of The Books on Teacher’s Desk with my pupils. I told them that when they bully or swear at others, they receive a black substance-karma; when they treat others with kindness and take a step back, they gain a white substance-virtue. The children soon learned the principles of “gain and loss.” When arguments broke out between students, I opened this book and read them another story. The children were soon able to let go of their anger. Smiles broke out on their once-red faces and the atmosphere in the classroom became increasingly harmonious.

I discovered that when Minghui books for children are available in classrooms, they bring a calming energy to the class. Every Minghui book for children is available on the Taichung City Education Bureau website, which promotes book reading certificates. Students frequently queue up to borrow these books to read and obtain certificates. Not only does it help promote good reading habits, it also subtly encourages upright moral values. These books are a precious and excellent source of goodness in today’s chaotic world.

(Continued from Part 1)

Morning reading activities have been promoted in schools in Taiwan for many years. Some children love to read the Minghui Publication books for children. Below are a collection of reviews from students in primary schools in Taiwan:

Learning to Endure

Xiao Yi said, “Ever since I read the story of “Xing Xing Is Running” in Magical Cultivation Stories, I learned that if someone pushes me while queuing up behind me, I should forbear and not fight with my classmates. When I tolerate things, I will gain white substance-virtue. But if I hit someone, I will get black substance-karma. We should follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.”

Xiao Yi reads the book Magical Cultivation Stories.

Kindness Means Having a Heart of Compassion

Xiao Han said, “From reading Magical Cultivation Stories, I learned that being kind means having a heart of compassion. Being tolerant means not hitting back or arguing when one is beaten or sworn at. If you can endure, you will receive virtue in return. For example once while my younger brother and I were eating ice cream, he accidentally dropped his on the ground. I gave him mine. Although I wanted to eat ice cream, I chose to give it to my brother because I want him to behave that way. I want my brother and me to be people who follow Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.”

Xiao Xi reads Heaven and Earth.

I Don’t Get Angry With My Sister

Xiao Xiang said, “After I finished reading the book A Good Baby Who Follows Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, I thought the stories were amazing, the pictures were rich and three dimensional. The teacher in the stories was kind, and she taught the children to be kind and do good deeds. In this way, there will be more kind people in this world. This story reminded me of what happened between my sister and me. I used to quarrel with her frequently, but now I know I must be kind. Therefore I treat my sister much better. When I was young, I disliked her, but now I treat her very well. When she scolded me in the past, I always scolded her back. Now when she swears at me, I reason with her.”

Xiao Wai reads My New Classmate.

Ice Cream and Computer Games

Xiao Heng said, “I learned about Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance when I read The Holy Book From Heaven With a Blue Cover. My family and I went to eat sushi. My mother said we could eat ice cream first, so we ordered one for my brother and me. As soon as we started eating, my brother accidentally dropped all his ice cream on the ground. He was reprimanded by our mother and kept crying. I thought he was pitiful and gave him my ice cream. He stopped crying and kept thanking me.

“One day, I had a lot of writing to do. When I was tired, my mother said I could take a break and play a computer game. I later learned that my brother let me play the game first. When I asked him why he did that, he replied it was because I gave him my ice cream. I was happy to hear that. I want to continue being a person who follows Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance so the world will be a better place.”

Xiao Jun reads My Father’s Story.

I Used to Dislike My Brother

Xiao Xuan said, “I used to dislike my brother because he often dirtied the clothes I brought inside. I scolded him when he did this. After I read The Books on Teacher’s Desk, I knew that swearing at others will bring me black substance-karma. I began to have a kind heart. Looking back at what happened in the past, I realized my brother did not dirty the clothes on purpose. Afterwards when my brother dirtied the clothes, I told him it was fine. I now know that I should treat my family and classmates with kindness. I hope everyone treats those around them kindly.”

Xiao En reads My Father’s Story.

I Know How to Get Along With My Classmates

Xiao Fei said, “In the book My New Classmate the main character did not tell the teacher even though he was beaten up by Qiang Qiang. On the contrary, he gave Qiang Qiang a tissue when he was unhappy. I discovered my shortcomings after reading the story. I care too much about what others do. For instance, I saw two classmates fighting, but the classmate responsible for keeping order did not see it. I told them, ‘Stop squabbling!’ One of them said, ‘Mind your own business!’ I left them alone, as I did not want to start a fight with them, but I was a little upset. After reading the book My New Classmate, I learned to keep my mouth shut and not expose the affairs of others. If I see someone doing something wrong, I should first tell him kindly instead of reporting to the teacher. Even if my classmates criticize me, I must not hit back or argue. I get along much better with my classmates now.”

Xiao Fei reads Heaven and Earth.

Understanding How to Be Considerate

Xiao Yun said, “After I read Katarina’s Wish, I understood some things, such as how to be considerate. I have some similarities with Katrina because my teacher also taught me how to treat my parents with respect and be a kind person. I hope everyone in the world understands the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance - that way there will not be fighting in this world. The world will be a better place if all of us have a kind heart.”

Xiao Qin reads Katarina’s Wish.

For more books and magazines from Minghi Publishing, please visit: https://www.tiantibooks.org/