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Practitioners in Our Small Fa Study Group Improve As One Body

Feb. 1, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Amid our small group Fa study environment of the past few years, we have cultivated ourselves by learning from each other and cooperating with one another. As such, we improve as one body, and are able to refrain from being interfered with by all sorts of false illusions. It allows us to do the three things well, as Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) has requested.

Exchanging Cultivation Experiences and Encouraging One Another

Our Fa study group has been meeting for 12 years. In the earlier years, we did not exchange cultivation experiences and our thoughts much after Fa study. But we were eager to talk about everyday people’s issues. After a few years, most practitioners did not show significant improvement, and did not do the three things well. Some practitioners experienced illness and financial tribulations, which they found rather difficult to overcome. This made many practitioners not want to join the small group Fa study. Sometimes, I also thought of not participating in the small group Fa study. However, whenever this kind of thought came into my mind, I would recall Master’s lecture about the importance of one’s cultivation environment. Dafa practitioners must join in group Fa study, so, I keep attending the group Fa study.

I also participated in the local big group Fa study. Fellow practitioners are always sharing about how the practitioners in their small group Fa study encourage one another to improve and how they improved as one body. This impressed me a lot. I thought to myself, “We are all cultivating in the same Dafa, so why are the practitioners in the other small Fa study groups doing the three things so well, yet my group is not doing so well?”

I looked within and found that I did not improve myself based on the Fa. Therefore, I calmed down and studied the Fa more. The more I studied the Fa, the more I felt like studying it, and the more I found my own shortcomings. I realized that I was not being responsible to the Fa study site; I was afraid of hardships and experiencing trouble. I used human notions to look at problems instead of abiding by the Fa’s standards. I even complained when others did not improve. Actually, I did not improve either. For the past few years, I have been just doing a superficial job instead of cultivating. I feel ashamed to face Master and fellow practitioners.

Keeping this in mind, I started encouraging the practitioners in my small Fa study group to speak about their own cultivation experiences. When they spoke of how they did well, it would encourage others. When they had attachments, I reminded them that they should expose them and get rid of them. This time, the practitioners were all eager to speak up and share their cultivation experiences.

Practitioner Bin’s Sharing

At this time when truly studying the Fa, Bin’s xinxing improved and she was able to deal with a big financial tribulation, and she also got rid of her fundamental attachment to personal gain. It was as though she had gone through a life and death tribulation. She said that her foster son wanted to get married, but her soon-to-be daughter-in-law wanted a betrothal gift of two hundred thousand yuan and a new house, and even wanted to get married in the house that she is living in. Bin is usually very thrifty so when she was faced with these requests from her future daughter-in-law, Bin found it really hard to accept it both financially and emotionally. The emotional pressure became so intense that she could not sleep. In her heart, she begged Master to empower her to overcome this tribulation.

She increased her Fa study and continued to look within. She found that she felt a very strong affection for her husband, and well as attachment to complaint and hatred and also personal gain. Upon finding these attachments, she got rid of them one by one so as not to let them become her loopholes. She thought that as a cultivator, she must think of others first in everything she does. Since her daughter-in-law wanted a house, she would buy it for her. If she wanted the betrothal gift and car, she would buy them for her too. If they wanted to get married in her house, she would agree to that too.

Bin’s relatives and friends all know that she treats her foster son better than his real parents. Bin said to them, “It is Dafa that changed me. If I didn’t cultivate in Falun Dafa, I would not be able to do that.” On the day of her foster son’s marriage, Bin invited practitioners to the wedding to clarify the truth. Bin thanked Master for empowering her to overcome this big tribulation.

Practitioner Ying’s Sharing

Once, Ying was studying the Fa alone at home. She held the book in her hand and kept trying to study the Fa, but just could not get the Fa into her mind. Usually, she was able to get the Fa into her mind, but why was she not able to do so this time? She looked within to see what was the cause of her unusual state. She found that she was unhappy because she’d had a conflict with her husband. She felt that she was being unfairly treated and had complaints about it in her heart. In actual fact, she was in the wrong because she did not cultivate herself. Both Ying and her husband are practitioners so she should not get into a conflict with him. After finding this attachment, her heart became very peaceful and when she picked up the book again, she was able to study the Fa.

Practitioner Bo’s Sharing

Through studying the Fa, Bo finally experienced true, solid cultivation. She originally had a strong attachment to personal gain, such that she would think about how to earn more money all the time. Although she also wanted to cultivate well, she found it very hard to get rid of this attachment. Therefore, she increased her Fa study. Master saw that she truly wanted to cultivate, so Master’s Law body appeared to Bo and said to her, “You are a Dafa practitioner; would I let you go hungry?” Hearing that, Bo made up her mind to get rid of this attachment to personal gain. She became determined to abide by Master’s requests to cultivate solidly.

Practitioner Ding’s Sharing

Ding is a veteran practitioner in her 70s. She said that she was impressed by the experiences that were being shared by the veteran practitioners on Minghui Weekly about memorizing the Fa. She wondered, since others could memorize the Fa, why couldn’t she? Therefore, she made up her her mind to do it. No matter how difficult, Ding did not give up. She just persisted in memorizing the Fa. While she was memorizing the Fa, there would be times when she memorized the beginning really well, but forgot other parts. Ding did not become anxious or impatient, nor did she give up. She just persisted in memorizing the Fa. Seeing that she had steadfast confidence in memorizing the Fa, Master opened up her wisdom and she started getting faster and faster at memorizing. Ding also studies Master’s lectures given in different regions and also persists in going out to clarify the truth every day. With all of this, she does the three things that Master has requested of Dafa practitioners in a steady manner.

Hearing her experience sharing really gave me great encouragement. Since then, our small Fa study group learned from one another and cultivated diligently together. Everyone improved their cultivation state very quickly and became very proactive in doing the three things.

Negating Physical Tribulation with Righteous Thoughts

After the truth-clarifying calendars were produced in October, all practitioners cooperated to distribute the calendars to help save people. Once, two practitioners and I went to the countryside. I drove to a small village and the two of them got out to distribute the calendars. After a while, the two practitioners hurried back into the car and said to me, “Quick, start driving, start driving! Someone wants to report us.” At that time, my heart was very calm and I said to them, “Don’t worry. That person is not going to report us. This is just a false display.” One of the practitioners said that once they entered the village to distribute the calendars, this person kept following them. When they distributed the calendar to a family, he would tell them not to accept the calendar. However, the people in the village still accepted the calendars. This person told them that he is the village’s Party secretary and asked them to leave quickly. He said that if they didn’t leave, he was going to report them to the police. As I drove away I said to them, “When we come out to clarify the truth and save people, Master has helped us get rid of the bad elements in other dimensions. All the displays at this human side are all false. They are targeting our fear. We do not need to be afraid. Let us send forth righteous thoughts more to get rid of this fear and correct ourselves so that we will not have any negative thoughts. We still need to go to the other villages to save people.” On the way back, we continued and distributed all the calendars.

In the second half of November I asked Bin and Ying to go to the countryside with me to clarify the truth. One night, I had a serious headache, and could not eat my dinner. My whole body felt light and I couldn’t stand properly. This was during the height of the COVID outbreak throughout the whole country. I thought to myself that as a cultivator I should be doing the three things. I cannot treat myself like a patient and lie in bed.

With that, I got up, studied the Fa, did the exercises and sent forth righteous thoughts. At that time, my eyes felt as if they weighed a ton. No matter how I tried to keep them open, I just couldn’t. I just felt like closing my eyes and going to sleep. When I tried to hold my palm erect to send forth righteous thoughts, I had no strength to do so and my palm kept dropping. I have not experienced such a situation since I started cultivating. I thought that I shouldn’t acknowledge this wrong state. If I felt like sleeping, I would not sleep. Instead, I would use righteous thoughts to deny this wrong state.

Just then, a practitioner called, requesting calendars. I thought about what I should do because I could not even walk steadily. But that practitioner urgently needed the materials to save people. Therefore, I begged Master to empower me. I had to go out, and I could not fail. So, I held onto the stair railing and walked down the stairs slowly. At that time, I was panting heavily after taking just a few steps. I kept begging Master in my heart as I rode the electric bike, and kept reciting, “I cannot fall.” The bike shook left and right as I used all my strength to stabilize it. Carefully, I delivered the calendars to the practitioner and successfully returned home.

After returning home, I studied the Fa. In the afternoon, I started to vomit. Actually, I had not eaten anything all day, but I vomited every hour. This went on until 11 p.m. that night. Suddenly a thought came to my mind: Everything will be fine after one more vomit and it will not go on past midnight. Sure enough, after midnight, I recovered. Thank you, Master, for your benevolent empowerment!

On the day of my appointment to deliver the calendars, I had not eaten for days, and still did not have much strength. At that time, I had promised my fellow practitioners that I would drive them there. I thought that it would be good if the two practitioners did not come. In that case, I could just come back; but if the practitioners went with me, one of them could drive the car. Therefore, I mustered my courage and drove to the agreed meeting place. The practitioners were already there. However, much to my surprise, their state was worse than mine: Bin had been in bed without any food or water for four days; Ying had been in bed for a week. Both of them had the same thought, that we had made an appointment to go out to save people and therefore they did not worry about the discomfort and came out to make our appointment.

Bin had to return to the car for a rest every time she took a few steps. Given this kind of difficulty, we begged Master for his empowerment as we continued to walk down the streets and alleys distributing the materials. As we distributed, Bin’s condition gradually improved. She hadn’t had any appetite for food or drink for the past few days, but now she felt like drinking and eating again. By the time we returned home, our conditions had improved. This shows that if we do well with the three things that Master requests of us, all the false displays will disappear. We are really thankful in our hearts for Master’s benevolent protection!

The above is our sharing about the cooperation within our small Fa study group. Helping one another helps us improve as one body.