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US House Representative Mike Carey Issues a Falun Dafa Day Proclamation

April 30, 2024

(Minghui.org) Before World Falun Dafa Day, US House Representative Mike Carey from Ohio proclaimed May 13, 2024 to be Falun Dafa Day.

Representative Mike Carey and his proclamation

The proclamation reads, “Falun Dafa, or Falun Gong, is an ancient Chinese discipline of the Buddhist tradition, centered on the uplifting principles of “truthfulness, compassion and tolerance.”

“Since its introduction to the world in 1992, empowers more than 100 million people in over 100 countries from various walks of life and diverse cultural background to improve their wellbeing holistically through the body and mind.”

“Great compassion and forbearance has been demonstrated by Falun Dafa practitioners under the Chinese communist regime’s brutal persecution since 1999, while practitioners have demonstrated peaceful resistance and moral courage.”

“Ohioans recognize and appreciate the Falun Gong practitioners contributions to the Chinese community in the US and around the globe, and pray for the end of the persecution of Falun Gong and other religious minorities.”