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Poland: Falun Dafa Practitioners Call to End the Persecution in Front of Chinese Consulate and Embassy

April 30, 2024

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from Poland and Ukraine peacefully gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in Warszawa and the Chinese Consulate in Gdansk on April 25, 2024, calling to end the persecution of practitioners in China. The events commemorated the 25th anniversary of the April 25 peaceful appeal in Beijing by approximately 10,000 practitioners, on April 25, 1999.

Practitioners put up banners with messages in Polish that called for an end to the persecution.

Practitioners from Poland and Ukraine held a rally and did the exercises in front of the Chinese Embassy in Warszawa on April 25, 2024, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the April 25 Appeal.

Practitioners held a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese Consulate in Gdansk

Many people stopped to get informational materials about Falun Dafa and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) continued persecution, and signed the petition that calls to end it. Some asked to learn the exercises during the events and some took information about local practice sites and online links to websites where they could learn Falun Dafa.

The Positive Influence of the April 25 Appeal

Twenty five years ago, about 10,000 practitioners from various areas of China spontaneously came to appeal to the office of the National Complaints and Proposals Administration on April 25, 1999. The entire process was peaceful and orderly. The then-Prime Minister gave practitioners a positive response. As a result, practitioners who were illegally arrested in Tianjin were released that day. The practitioners who participated in the appeal also dispersed peacefully that evening. The incident shocked the world. Overseas media praised the appeal as a peaceful interaction between the government and the people.

Knowing the Facts Is the Hope of Salvation

Maria, a practitioner representative, spoke in front of the Chinese Embassy. She said that Falun Dafa brought practitioners numerous benefits, “For example, it’s effective in resolving illness and keeping fit. Practitioners become people who think for others with unselfish hearts, endure the loss and hardship during conflicts of interest, let go of resentment and hatred, strictly discipline themselves, maintain peaceful hearts during conflicts, become kinder, improve their character, etc. Practitioners follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to cultivate themselves. Very obviously Falun Dafa benefits the country and the people, and has many benefits with no harm.”

Polish practitioner Maria spoke in front of the Chinese Embassy

Maria said that the spirit of April 25 showed a stark contrast between kindness and viciousness. “We call on the Chinese Embassy staff not to follow the CCP towards its demise.” She said, “We hope that they can soon awaken and learn the facts, and not to lose the hope of final salvation.”

Doctor: I want to know about Falun Dafa and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance

Monika is a psychologist. She told a practitioner that she deeply admired China’s culture and arts, and studied Chinese Confucianism and Chinese medicine acupuncture techniques.

Monika, who loves Chinese traditional culture, took many photos of information about Falun Dafa. She was shocked by the CCP’s atrocities.

She happened to park near the Chinese embassy that day. When she saw a banner that practitioners displayed in front of the Chinese embassy, she came over to see what was going on. She was shocked when she read the content, and asked how could such a terrible persecution happen in China with its broad and profound culture. She took out her phone and began to take picture of boards. She thanked the practitioner who gave her an informational brochure. She said in Chinese, “I want to go online to know about Falun Dafa, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and practitioners.”

When the activity concluded and practitioners were organizing their boards and banners, two young people came out of the Chinese Embassy with vicious expressions on their faces. In an unfriendly tone they told the police on duty, “The activity exceeded the time limit.” The Polish police officers looked at them and calmly said, “No problem. Everything is fine.”