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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Memorizing and Assimilating to the Fa

May 1, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners outside of China

(Minghui.org) When I first began practicing I did not truly understand what it meant to study the Fa. I understood that we needed to read the Fa more, as Master Li stated multiple times in various Fa conference lectures. It was not until I read Zhuan Falun numerous times that I realized I was merely studying the Fa on the surface rather than obtaining the Fa. I could not read the Fa with a calm mind. It was as if the moment I put the book down, I only enlightened to the principles on an instinctual level but nothing more than that. Nonetheless it served as a means of restraining my xinxing on the surface, but true elevation did not occur. Although I read the Fa every day for hours, I was still not practicing true cultivation.

Memorizing and Assimilating to the Fa

Master Enlightens Me to Memorize the Fa

Since I could not enlighten to this by myself, Master arranged for me to read several Minghui cultivation experience sharing articles that discussed memorizing the Fa.

I decided to memorize the Fa, so I read articles on Minghui to formulate my own methods of memorization. I admired those practitioners who were able to memorize the Fa, and I felt I could.

My first attempt was years ago when I memorized Lunyu. I was swayed by the ways of the world, which the cultivation community calls the big dye vat. I prioritized making money and the pursuit of a comfortable lifestyle, and it led me to cultivate on and off for many years. I cringed at the very idea of becoming lost in everyday society instead of treating myself as a cultivator of the great way. Deep down I knew that I was wrong for not giving it my all, but I never truly gave up cultivation practice. The essence still remained in my heart but became clouded by my various attachments.

Decision to Truly Cultivate

I finally decided to make a full commitment many years later to assimilate myself to the Fa and truly cultivate my mind. I knew that if I applied my time and energy consistently, my efforts will not go to waste and the outcome of my actions will be fruitful.

Memorizing the Fa Is Acquiring and Assimilating to the Fa

The definition of the word “acquisition” is “the act of acquiring something.” How does this relate to the Fa?

It involves the process of memorizing and reciting the Fa until the mind is in a state of being numb but calm; until each sentence, paragraph or section are ingrained in one’s mind.

Now, what’s the definition of “assimilation”?

The process of taking in and understanding thoroughly. Acquire first, then assimilate.

Acquisition of the Fa has an ending, but requires a multitude of repetitions when reciting. In the process of improving one’s xinxing and enlightening, the Fa will be revealed to you, and you can gain the Fa.

Assimilating to the Fa is continuous and has no limits or ending.

Acquisition is what allows one to gain the Fa. Assimilation is what allows us to thoroughly understand the Fa, which then strengthens our understanding and ability to remember the Fa in order to guide our cultivation practice.

Both processes are required to actually obtain the Fa. Assimilating to the Fa by consistent recitation of what one has already acquired through memorization is truly studying the Fa.

One will naturally be able to recall the Fa like a reflex, improve our xinxing and pass the tests arranged in our cultivation path, and thereby elevate our cultivation levels.

Melting into the Fa

During the process of studying the Fa, I’ve experienced a state in which I melted into the Fa.

My mind was in a state of euphoria, and my thoughts were pure without any elements of human logic.

Whenever I recite the Fa with my legs crossed and my posture is upright, I experience the sensation of my body being enveloped in light energy, mainly in the middle regions of my spinal area. I’m not sure if it’s my gong column being stimulated or if my body is in a state of purification. I feel it’s confirmation that I’m on the right course and I feel encouraged to keep going.

I’ve just begun memorizing the Fa. I’ve just finished Lunyu and will begin the First Talk soon. I look forward to committing Zhuan Falun to memory. I hope to recite Zhuan Falun in its entirety.

Thank you for your attention while reading.

This article was written from the heart. Feel free to point out any misunderstandings I may have had. Heshi.

A Western Practitioner’s Experience

I was taken to the ICU after an emergency. My brain had experienced low blood pressure and I didn’t remember Falun Dafa and Master.

One night while I was looking at the ceiling I saw a colorful, shining space with stars and planets in motion. From far away the words “Falun Dafa” appeared, written in brightly shining Roman alphabet letters. The words grew bigger as they came closer, and then they stayed in front of me for a while, allowing me to remember Falun Dafa and Master.

Falun Dafa is wonderful! Thank you, Master!

(Selected submissions to celebrating World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)