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South Korea: Seoul Residents Commend the Tian Guo Marching Band

May 2, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in South Korea

(Minghui.org) The Tian Guo Marching Band performed in Marronnier Park in Seoul’s Daehangno District on April 14, 2024. The band, which is comprised of Falun Dafa practitioners, held a parade and promoted the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to local citizens. 

The Tian Guo Marching Band holds a parade in Seoul

Daehangno is a theater district in South Korea, where many young people go to attend plays, movies, concerts, and operas. The practitioners’ event used music to unite people’s hearts and bring energy to life, reflecting the beauty of music.

The Tian Guo Marching Band performs in Marronnier Park

Residents watch the band’s performance in Marronnier Park.

The event at Marronnier Park started at 11am. The band brought a new cultural experience to passersby. The parade went through the Hyehwa Station area and brought vitality to the local community. Residents took photos and videos and enjoyed the lively music of the band.

Park Donghwa, a senior artist, watches the performance in the park.

Mr. Park Donghwa, a senior artist, performs voluntarily in this park every week, and had the chance to see the band that day.

He expressed his gratitude for the special meaning brought by the performance. “People who like this kind of music and enjoy the happiness brought by music will become younger and younger. I believe this will make people live longer.”

Artist Kim Donghyeop watches the performance in the park.

Mr. Kim Donghyeop, a painter who works in a nearby studio, was drawn by the band’s performance. He went to the park to watch the performance and said, “Painting is boring and tiring. But when I heard the music, I felt energetic. Thank you very much for such good music. This music makes people feel happy and energetic.”

Photography students saw this unique scene and took pictures.

When a resident saw the Chinese character for Fa, he asked, “Does this mean that people become upright?” After receiving a flyer, he understood the meaning of Falun Dafa and he was very happy.

Many residents who had been passing by said it was the first time they had seen such a parade and it was very special. One of them said, “I liked it very much. The music was very nice.”