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Letting Go of My Addiction to Video Games

May 3, 2024 |   By a young Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) I was born in 2001 and began practicing Falun Dafa at a young age. Even so, I learned many bad habits in school, where I was surrounded by non-practitioners.

We were told to stay home and take classes online when the pandemic spread in the second half of 2020. I had more time to myself and, under the influence of my friends, I became obsessed with video games, which went on for almost two years. I knew it was wrong and talked to my mother about it and tried to quit many times, but I would go back to it in just a few days.

I was preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam at the beginning of 2022 and thought it was time to quit my addiction to video games. It was very difficult. Although I had very little spare time, I still wanted to play a few games every time I finished my studies. I couldn’t help myself and downloaded the video game apps, even though it was a hassle.

Although I had fast internet at home, downloading the game apps took a long time, and couldn’t even download one app in an hour. I didn’t take it as a hint and just said to myself, “Damn it!” and gave up on downloading. This happened many times.

In Zhuan Falun one day, I read what Master said about the issue of quitting smoking:

“Some people also know that it is not good, but they just cannot quit. In fact, let me tell you that they do not have correct thoughts to guide themselves, and it will not be easy for them to quit that way. As a cultivator, why don’t you take it as an attachment to be abandoned, and see if you can quit?” (Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)

I thought of “video games” immediately and understood Master was pointing something out to me. Not being able to download the video game apps was also his way of helping me. I thus could gradually let go of my obsession to video games. Once in a while, the thought of “wanting to play a few games” would pop up, and I knew it was wrong. When I followed my attachment and wanted to play a few games, I would either remember Master’s teaching or I couldn’t download the app.

Six months later, I finally removed my attachment and got rid of my addiction to video games.

Looking back on my experience, I know Master has been protecting and helping me every step along the way. This experience made me more determined to practice Falun Dafa. Thank you, Master, for your compassionate deliverance!