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Tel Aviv, Israel: Marking the Peaceful Appeal of April 25, 1999, in Front of the Chinese Embassy

May 3, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Israel

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Israel got together for a peaceful rally outside the Chinese Embassy in Tel Aviv on April 25, 2024. They commemorated the 25th anniversary of the April 25 Appeal in China.

Practitioners rally outside the Chinese Embassy in Tel Aviv to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the April 25 Appeal in 1999 in China.

April 25th marks the 25th anniversary of the silent appeal that Falun Dafa practitioners held in front of the headquarters of the Chinese communist regime in 1999 after authorities arbitrarily arrested 45 practitioners for their faith. This protest led to a backlash of false propaganda aimed at discrediting Falun Gong, setting the stage for the persecution of the peaceful practice that started three months later.

Dozens of practitioners from all over the country participated in the event. They set up banners that explained their cause, did the practice’s meditation exercises, handed out fliers to passers-by, and collected signatures on a petition to condemn the persecution. After dark, they also lit candles in remembrance of the practitioners who have died in the ensuing persecution.

People Stop to Ask About the Persecution

At the event outside the embassy, many Israelis were curious about their cause and stopped to speak with the practitioners, who told them about what happened on April 25, 1999, and that their practice is focused on cultivating the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

The practitioners also set up banners in Chinese, English, and Hebrew that read:
“Falun Dafa Is Good,” “Falun Dafa – Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance,” “Cease the killing and mistreatment of individuals who have not committed any wrongdoing – Now!” “Since 1999, Falun Dafa Practitioners have been PERSECUTED TO DEATH in China for their faith,” and “25 years since Falun Gong practitioners in China silently expressed their wish to live in accordance with their faith.”

Many passersby were sympathetic to the cause and signed the practitioners’ petition. One of them said he was proud to stand in solidarity with the practitioners: “I am convinced now that Dafa is very good.”

Another passersby was shocked by the brutality of the persecution. “I am amazed. I will look it up on the internet and pass it [the information] on to my friends,” she said.