(Clearwisdom.net) On July 21, 2005, when the Washington D.C. Rally to End the Persecution of Falun Gong was held, Falun Gong practitioners received many letters of support, including one from Congressman Robert E. Andrews of New Jersey. In his letter, Congressman Andrews stressed his ongoing commitment to support the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners worldwide.

The following is the text of his letter.

Dear Friends:

I am proud to be a strong supporter of Falun Gong practitioners around the world, as well as the efforts that have been put forth to alleviate the oppression to which the Chinese government has subjected practitioners for years. Though little has thus far been achieved in terms of efforts to persuade the Chinese government to halt its depraved persecution of Falun Gong practitioners worldwide, public awareness of this plight has reached new heights, thanks largely to the tireless efforts of individuals such as yourselves. It is because of your actions that individuals and governments alike are being forced to acknowledge the detainment and otherwise inhumane treatment of your peacefully practicing counterparts, and I am hopeful that, through your continued efforts, we will one day reach a point where the Falun Gong is embraced as a valuable part of Chinese culture.

Since learning of the atrocious conditions to which the Falun Gong are subjected, I have supported efforts to force the Chinese government to halt its harassment of practitioners, and called upon members of the Administration to incorporate the matter of the Falun Gong into their discussions and dealings with the government of China. I firmly believe that the actions of the Chinese government constitute a flagrant disregard for human rights and, thus, will continue fighting for an end to the unjust imprisonment, torture, and murder of Falun Gong practitioners across the world.

Again, I applaud you for your efforts on behalf of such an important cause and urge each one of you to continue your work to end the horrific persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. I look forward to the day when your work will no longer be necessary, and promise that I will continue my support of your cause until that point is reached.


Robert E. Andrews

Member of Congress