(Clearwisdom.net) Weihai City, Shandong Province--Falun Gong practitioner Zhou Hengcai's home was ransacked and his wife was arrested on September 19, 2007. That same day at 3:00 p.m., five agents from the 610 Office and from the police department in the Huancui District, led by Huang Huadong, broke into Jiang Zhennan's home, ransacked it and confiscated a printer and some truth-clarification materials. They also took away Mr. Jiang's nephew's new laptop. Jiang Zhennan has since disappeared, over a week ago.

Jiang Zhennan is 69 years old. He is the deputy general manager and chief engineer of the Textile Enterprise Group in the Weihai City. Mr Jiang had contributed much to Weihai City's development. Jiang Zhennan used to have cancer of the esophagus and could not find a cure, even after seeing many specialists. Just as he was about to give up, he had the good fortune of encountering Falun Gong and he joined the practice. His health was soon restored. Falun Gong gave him a new life.

Shortly after the practice he encountered a life-threatening car accident. He conducted himself with Falun Gong's principles of "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance." He had no grudge or hatred against the guilty driver and did not ask him to take any responsibility. Falun Gong protected Jiang Zhennan. The residents and mayor of Weihai City all witnessed a miracle of Falun Gong.

Jiang Zhennan has suffered greatly from the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong. He was held in a detention center for five days in 2000. His wife continued to tell different people, including those at various governmental levels, how Falun Gong benefited Jiang Zhennan. Her husband went on a protest hunger strike and became very weak. He was released five days later.

The "610 Office" agents in Weihai City never stopped persecuting Jiang Zhennan. Since 2005 someone has monitored Mr. Jiang's daily activities and followed his every move. Before 2007, the agents installed a video camera and other surveillance devices, to closely monitor Mr. Jiang and his family. This put severe pressure on Mr. Jiang and caused a lot of difficulties for his family. This time Mr. Jiang's disappearance seems to be the result of Weihai "610 Office" long-term persecution; they may have covertly abducted Jiang Zhennan. Local practitioners are still trying to find out exactly what happened.

Anyone who reads this news and knows of Jiang Zhennan, please make known his whereabouts.

Beigou Neighborhood Committee: 86-631-5206994
Weihai City Political and Law Committee, Zhang Huimin: 86-631-5276526 (Home), 86-13396313666 (Cell)
Huancui District Police Department: 86-631-5233230
Liu Jie: 86-631-5215208 (Office)