(Clearwisdom.net) I have experienced many amazing things since taking up the practice of Falun Gong. Fellow practitioners encouraged me to write them down as part of validating the Fa.

I started practicing Dafa in May 1999. Before that, the vertebrae on my neck were deformed, which affected my head and eyes severely. I often suffered great pain and could not see. At times, I had problems with simply eating. I went everywhere looking for treatments, but all was in vain. Two months after I started practicing Falun Gong, I was in perfect health. Soon, though, the Jiang Zemin regime began its persecution of Falun Gong. The police arrested practitioners, confiscated their property, and extorted money from them. I had only practiced for two months, and it was extremely difficult to get in touch with other practitioners. I was scared and gradually stopped practicing. I felt awful and helpless.

Two years later, a severe traffic accident almost took my life. The surgeon told my family that my brain was injured and that he had removed a third of it. The doctor advised that if I should survive, I would be in a vegetative state. I was in a coma for a month. One day a practitioner came to see me while the doctor was at my bedside. He asked my family whether I held any particular belief and the practitioner told him that I practiced Falun Gong. The doctor yelled into my ear, "Have you ever learned Falun Gong?" I made my first post-operative sound, "Yes." Everyone was happy that I hadn't forgotten about Dafa.

Soon I woke up but I couldn't remember anything. I couldn't read and could barely remember Teacher's name.

After I left the hospital, my memory was still bad, and my mind went blank occasionally. I had problems speaking. However, that was a miracle by itself, considering that I was supposed to be a vegetable. The doctor could not believe what happened to me. I knew that compassionate Teacher had given me one more chance.

After I returned home, I wanted to wake up early to study the Fa and do the exercises. The evil tried to interfere. Every time I read, my husband tried to stop me and we got into big fights. I asked Teacher in my mind, "Do you want me to leave home?" I felt that Teacher responded, "No, you misunderstood me." I realized that I must believe in Teacher to do what I needed to do. When my husband wasn't home, I studied and did the exercises. He realized that he couldn't stop me and asked me to return to my parents' home. My parents came to pick me up, but they also told me to stop practicing Falun Dafa. I knew Dafa had given me a second life and I would not live without the practice. I told everyone, "Dafa and Teacher gave me a second life. This is my home and I am not going anywhere. I will study the Fa and do the exercises right here."

My husband then burned all my Falun Dafa books and stepped on Teacher's picture. I told him that what he had done was sinful and he would be punished. He answered, "I don't believe it. If Falun Dafa is really that capable, come and do something to me." Two months later, my husband became ill and went to the hospital for a check-up. He was diagnosed with late-stage cancer and passed away soon after. Before he died, he regretted what he had done and told me, "You practice it well and gain good health. This way I can rest in peace." The old forces manipulated my husband to commit crimes against Dafa and caused his death.

I had a large medical bill due to the car accident and two teenagers to feed. I still needed help moving around and our house was old and falling apart. I still believed in Teacher and the Fa.

My husband's family did not want to bother with me anymore. They claimed that I was responsible for my husband's death and took the money relatives had given me. They wanted me to move away because I practiced Falun Dafa and warned me if I continued to practice, they would give me a hard time.

I started to feel wronged and held a grudge, "Why did I marry into this family? Why did they treat me so bad? I just want to leave." The more I felt this way, the sicker I got. I realized that my attitude was wrong and I shouldn't be like an ordinary person. I follow Teacher and Dafa and should only accept Teacher's arrangement. I told my husband's family, "I get to decide whether I want to continue to study, not you. If the house collapses, it's mine and I will take care of it. Don't think you can take advantage of me because I am a woman." They gave up. I know that Teacher helped me again, for the Fa is mighty and solemn.

I tried to do some work from home to make a living. One time I was so tired I fainted. Later my neighbor brought food, but I vomited after I ate. I fainted several times later and scared my neighbor and my children.

I asked myself, "You have been hesitant for two weeks and you stopped studying the Fa. Did you solve any problem? Who will pay your debt and solve the conflicts you have with your family? Most importantly, what do you need to do as a practitioner? Who gave you your second life? Did you do what you promised to do before you came here?"

I was awakened. I realized Teacher had given me a second chance. I learned the practice to help Teacher rectify the Fa and save sentient beings. Nothing else mattered.

I improved mentally and my body felt better than ever before. I gradually regained my health and could do real work. My family and neighbor were so surprised and stopped talking behind my back. They were amazed and began to approve of what I did.

Teacher helps those who truly want to practice. After I made up my mind to continue the practice steadfastly, Teacher arranged for fellow practitioners to send me Teacher's new articles and share experiences with me. I had only practiced for two months before the persecution started, and everything was unfamiliar to me. Practitioners spent a lot of time to help me think based on the Fa. Sometimes, I forgot what I had just said or switched subjects. Practitioners did not give up and encouraged me again and again. Little by little my thoughts became clearer and I knew my responsibilities.

I understood that there was a reason for all the tribulations I suffered and also that the old forces interferences played a role. Through the process, Teacher eliminated my attachments and I felt relaxed. I stopped complaining about my husband's family. I was a practitioner and was supposed to be compassionate. They became my family because they wanted me to save them. After I changed, great things started to happen to the family.

My older child found a job that paid a lot of money. She wanted to buy me a scooter so I wouldn't have to ride a bike. I refused, because I wanted to pay back the debts I owed. When I tried to give 300 or 500 yuan to my neighbor and relatives, they refused to take it. Sometimes they would take the money because I insisted. But later they came to my house and told me, "I never thought you would give the money back when I lent it to you. Please keep it and give it back to me when your are financially stable." This happened many times. I was so moved by their sincerity and kindness. I talked to them about Falun Dafa and the persecution. After learning the facts and seeing the changes in me, they told me, "To be honest, I did not think you would live after the accident. I couldn't believe you had survived and recovered so well." People realized the beauty of Dafa and stopped listening to the CCP's lies.

My mother-in-law lived with my husband's older brother in the city after my accident. One day she called me and cried on the phone, "He (my brother-in-law) won't let me live here anymore. Please let me come back. I am glad you did not leave when I wanted you to. Will you forgive me?" I felt so bad for her and told her to come back.

I took care of my mother-in-law. She saw that I had recovered so well and had paid all my debts and that my children had found good jobs. She was glad for me, "We treated you so badly in the past. Thank you for not bearing a grudge." I told her to thank Teacher and Dafa for saving the family. I clarified the facts about Falun Dafa to her and she was very grateful for what Dafa did for us. Later my brother-in-law saw us getting along well and was amazed by the mighty power of Dafa. Now, all my family has quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. We became one peaceful family.

Recently, several people in our village had accidents. They knew that I had miraculously recovered after my accident because of Falun Dafa, and they recited "Falun Dafa is good" sincerely. They all recovered.

I wanted to donate money to help with saving sentient beings, but other practitioners wanted me to wait until I was financially better off. I told them saving sentient beings couldn't wait. They agreed and took my money to make informational materials.

I was in tears as I wrote this. I looked at Teacher's picture and told Teacher, "My compassionate Teacher, I am not in debt anymore, my children are doing fine, and I have no burdens. You have arranged everything well even though I was not such a good practitioner. I will work diligently every second I can to save people."

I knew I couldn't put off writing down my experiences and was glad that I finished it. Please point out anything incorrect. At the same time, I hope every practitioner who has had a similar experience will pick up a pen and share it with us.