(Clearwisdom.net) While clarifying the truth during Fa-rectification, I was enlightened that walking on the cultivation path arranged by Master is the only way to eliminate interference and protect ourselves from persecution.

There is a farmer's market in our area once every three days. Two practitioners go there to clarify the truth and help people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) while selling produce. This has been very effective, and gradually more practitioners have joined them. In the beginning they helped about ten people to quit the CCP each day. The number eventually increased to several dozen people every day, and everything proceeded very smoothly. On one occasion, however, a man cursed and beat a female practitioner when she clarified the truth to him. This attracted many people, who gathered to watch. The practitioner did not fight back at all. At the same time, other practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil and subdue the evil's strength. The man threatened to smash the booth and follow the beaten practitioner. Some practitioners could not to remain calm in their hearts after this incident.

Throughout that afternoon and night, practitioners in the area gathered in small groups to share understandings, study the Fa, and reflect. Every practitioner who heard about the incident looked inside him or herself. The practitioner who was beaten and Practitioner A realized their own attachments of showing off and zealotry. Practitioner B realized her attachment of fear. A female practitioner who witnessed the scene said, "The practitioner who was beaten showed true tolerance and did not say anything while being beaten. I would not have been able to do that." Practitioners who were not present also looked for their own shortcomings and realized that they did not help send forth righteous thoughts for those practitioners who were clarifying the truth. Although the incident shocked the entire township, it did not affect our efforts in clarifying the truth and helping people to quit the CCP. Although problems emerge from time to time, since we always look inside ourselves and send forth righteous thoughts every time, the practitioners who were at the produce booth have not stopped their efforts. Every day they help 40-50 people quit the CCP and sometimes up to 70-80 people.

Because we study the Fa sincerely, we can adjust our mentality as a group, and each of us looks inside for shortcomings. Practitioners either clarify the truth or send forth righteous thoughts. Those who remain at home send forth righteous thoughts for practitioners at the market every time the market meets. When practitioners have conflicts and cannot recognize their attachments, we look inside each other and frankly point out the problems with compassion. Although sometimes doing so is painful, it does not create any barriers among us.

When we have human notions or attachments and we cannot realize them or let them go, they become excuses for evil interference or persecution. Therefore, we must always assimilate ourselves to the Fa, look inside during conflicts or tests, realize our shortcomings, maintain xinxing, and uphold the standards of cultivators.